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Source code for apa7 class
APA style bibliographies are handled by the bib `latex-apa` package. You can check out their [GitHub repo](https://github.com/plk/biblatex-apa) and file an issue there if something isn't working correctly
I have an appendix after the reference list. In journal mode (and perhaps also manuscript mode) paragraphs are indented by half an inch, which looks pretty silly to me. I...
I noticed a few errors in the spanish translation and a closed issue where a more complete translation was requested but not fulfilled. Therefore, ``` %\begin{macro}{APA7spanish.txt} % \begin{macrocode} % \ProvidesFile{APA7spanish.txt}[2021/08/08...
I used the floatsintext parameter like so: ``` \documentclass[man, biblatex, floatsintext]{apa7} … ``` But both figures and tables are still pushed to the end of the document. In the documentation...
Although APA guidelines do not ask for endfloat markers in the text (like "Figure 2 about here"), I would still like to have them. I tried tinkering with the endfloat...
The apa7 LaTeX class manual states that masked citations do not have to be revised for final publication. This is a great feature! However, if I understand the commands correctly,...
This is a great package! Thank you! I wondered whether it would be possible to add an optional entry for "public health significance statement" or "general scientific summaries" that are...
Could you add an option for line spacing inside tables? For long tables, double spacing often leads to the table not fitting on one page. As far as I understand,...
Thanks for the amazing package! As per APA guidelines, the captions for figures should go on top of the figure, rather than below (changed from APA6). Is this fixable? Thanks!...
APA 7th edition [requires](https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/headings) all levels of headings to use title case. Would it be possible to do this automatically when using `\section` etc.? At least in English, some words...