> awesome. Who should close this? Also, does the changes reflect on my profile or I have to wait for changes to take effect? I am a new maintainer, so...
I think since the release action will be modifying the changelog file on main it might have issues as well. The action currently used to create the release is unmaintained,...
In order for this to work correctly, the following code needs to be added to `styles/globals.css` before the tailwind imports: ```css code.language-unknown::before, code.language-unknown::after { content: "" } ``` Then the...
> Hey @dan-mba I have now updated the `styles/global.css` file as you have specified. Is it correct? @AldrinSeanPereira The styles change looks good. Now you need to fix `next.config.mjs` like...
I think this is related to the configuration of `remark-prism` which is done in [next.config.mjs](https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree/blob/main/next.config.mjs#L38-L44). There is an option for it to handle [inline code](https://github.com/sergioramos/remark-prism#transforminlinecode), but it is off by...
@AldrinSeanPereira the format of the plugins for `@next/mdx` isn't well documented, but it links to this [MDX documentation](https://mdxjs.com/docs/extending-mdx/#using-plugins). I think `remarkPrism` needs to be changed to `[remarkPrism, {transformInlineCode: true}]`
Accessibility issues on Home Page: 1. Add lang attribute to html tag 2. GitHub icon link needs aria-label attribute 3. Increase contrast ratio for "Users" purple box (current 2.98, required...
Issues on profile page (eddiejaoude): 1. Increase contrast ratio for twitter icon links (current 2.58, required 4.5) 2. Increase contrast ratio for youtube icon links (current 3.99, required 4.5) 3....
I created a node script to test all the profile link icon colors for compatibility with AA contrast. I found 17 of 35 icons fail. The results & my test...
> @dan-mba I worry conflicts might occur, could we merge this in sooner as I think this can add value as we go along, let me know what you think?...