Yes, indeed _/\\\_. Other advanced features of n3 for rule -systems are not that required to be modelled now. just generalized-quads support is great enough
hello @tpt, Solid's N3-patch [depends](https://solidproject.org/ED/protocol#server-patch-n3-formulae) on [Cited Formulae](https://w3c.github.io/N3/spec/#cformulae), to quote a graph. How should one proceed, if one want to parse n3 as such?
thanks @tpt, Is it possible to have that quoted-graph syntax-extension be supported in gtrig parser, as a blank named graph (By default disabled)?
@Tpt , That would be much more great if it is considered _/\\\_.
Hello @Tpt , I would be soon open sourcing a modular rust implementation of solid server, that will allow running solid in wide range of contexts. And makes it possible...
Sincere sorry for this nagging @Tpt . If you don't take it as bad, can you give approximate ETA for N3, so that i will decide if i have to...
Thanks @Tpt , I feared it may involve some complex parsing expression graammers, etc. But GTrig parser is clear enough, that i adapted it to simple N3 quick enough. Thanks...
Rust async is efficient, and about number of async break points, Async io will be naturally used along with buffered `AsyncBufread`, just like their sync counter parts `BufRead`. Other than...
> The official JSON-LD RDF (de)serialization algorithm depends on other algorithms that seems out of scope of Rio. @Tpt , Official de-serialization algos seem to assume loading entire json as...
here is a high level overview of approach taken by above lib : [https://www.rubensworks.net/blog/2019/03/13/streaming-rdf-parsers/](https://www.rubensworks.net/blog/2019/03/13/streaming-rdf-parsers/)