opencl-in-action-swift icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
opencl-in-action-swift copied to clipboard

Generating OpenCL code using Swift and Grand Central Dispatch's OpenCL integration with Xcode. A direct reimplementation of the source code from the book 'OpenCL in Action' by Matthew Scarpino

#OpenCL in Action

Matthew Scarpino's Book, OpenCL in Action: How to accelerate graphics and computation, is an excellent resource for learning OpenCL. Code is provided with the book and can be obtained from Manning Publications.

I am developing and learning OpenCL on the Mac platform, and so am reimplementing the code from each chapter utilising Xcodes built in frameworks to make host development easier.

Controlling OpenCL on the host became a lot easier with Interoperation with Grand Central Dispatch. Thus I am using as simplified development as possible while using Swift on the host

Inspired by the C++ OpenCL wrapper I also created a Swift wrapper to simplify development located at damienpontifex/SwiftOpenCL and have used that at later times with the Swift Package Manager.