Damien Haynes
Damien Haynes
You're right, your ratings csv is fine...I just tested it and parsed fine: 2020-10-21 12:01:03.651 [INFO] [][01]: Found 199 ratings in Movie Lens Rating CSV file
@MrDemocracy, what regional settings are you using? Possibly a number formatting issue.
Here is an update with a possible fix (hopefully will log the error line this time if still a problem) [TraktRater_v2.3.10.1.exe.zip](https://github.com/damienhaynes/TraktRater/files/5412599/TraktRater_v2.3.10.1.exe.zip)
Awesome, good to hear. I'll now focus on the wishlist and the tags csv, if you have any ideas let me know but I was thinking of creating a custom...
Do you mean trakt watchlist? I can add it to that easily enough. I just wasn't sure if they had similar meaning but to keep things simple can make it...
Here is what is hopefully the final version with support to import the wishlist. NB: I can't use the dates from the activity log as trakt API does not have...
If I implement a CSV export from trakt I can look into supporting this.
Unfortunately there is no command line support yet, its a good idea to add that so will leave open for consideration in a future release.
Maybe, I just hate having to parse HTML as it can easily change and break.
Please use the CSV import as the WEB scrape is broken and will be removed in future build.