angular-auth-oidc-client copied to clipboard
Logoff is not working. No network calls, nothing in the console
First of all, I want to say thanks for building such a great library. I need help with the logoff functionality. I'm not able to log off. Here is my config and code I'm calling.
imports: [AuthModule.forRoot({
config: {
authWellknownEndpointUrl: '',
authority: '',
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
clientId: '<my-id>',
scope: 'openid profile email', // 'openid profile offline_access ' + your scopes
responseType: 'code',
silentRenew: true,
useRefreshToken: true,
redirectUrl: `${window.location.origin}/callback`,
postLoginRoute: window.location.origin,
renewTimeBeforeTokenExpiresInSeconds: 30,
secureRoutes: ['https://localhost:7123/', 'http://localhost:5107/'],
logLevel: LogLevel.Debug
exports: [AuthModule],
export class AuthConfigModule { }
My component code
public logoff() {
.subscribe((result) => console.log(result));
What I see in the browser is null
in the console and no network requests. I tried logoff
and logoffAndRevokeTokens
. Unfortunately, nothing seems to be working for me. Also, all data in SessionStorage
is still present. I would expect data to be deleted when this method is called.
Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
I checked enable token revocation in AWS Cognito identity pool app client
Any idea what I'm missing here?
any update?
I wasn't able to figure it out yet. I moved on with other application logic and planning to get back to it later.
i have found a simple workaround:
logout() {
//this.oidcSecurityService.logoff().subscribe((result) => console.log(result));
window.location.href = "https://<replaceme><replaceme>&logout_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4200";
// Clear session storage
if (window.sessionStorage) {
Tnx. I will try it. But, it would be nice to have it supported the proper way. Let's leave this one still open, until we have a proper solution
Hi @alan994, i know this is a bit of an older issue now but i ran into the same thing today. Not sure if my issue will be the exact same as yours but worth checking either way.
can you run this.configurationService.getOpenIDConfigurations().subscribe(console.log);
at some point after logging in and checking the config values for authWellknownEndpoints inside of the object returned from the above call.
inside it should display an object matching the interface
export interface AuthWellKnownEndpoints {
issuer?: string;
jwksUri?: string;
authorizationEndpoint?: string;
tokenEndpoint?: string;
userInfoEndpoint?: string;
endSessionEndpoint?: string;
checkSessionIframe?: string;
revocationEndpoint?: string;
introspectionEndpoint?: string;
parEndpoint?: string;
On my side i noticed that endSessionEndpoint
was not being set, the reasons for this may vary but in my case it was the fact that my authority provider didn't have the exact same keys as the library was expecting. You can check the oidc config by adjusting this url
and looking at the return object, and check the end_session_endpoint
key returned is actually called end_session_endpoint
so that it will map up properly in this file below
NOTE: After the Authorize call the config is saved in session storage so its worth clearning session storage while testing and trying different things
Let me know if this solves it or if its something different, happy to support and it's caused me a headache too :)
I decided to move away from this way of doing auth and investigating options with BFF and cookie auth. I will check for this property and get back to you, but don't have ETA at the moment
I have the same issue. The aforementioned workaround worked for me. One thing to add to the suspicion of @majies: I have configured the endpoint manually, but it still does nothing via the logoff() method.
I have same problem. When using http loader to load configs with standalone APIs. When using static config it works ok. Problem is that getOpenIDConfigurations
returns nothing but getOpenIDConfiguration
returns right config. Maybe this will help to fix issue.
@damienbod @timdeschryver @FabianGosebrink
Also I would like to see sample with standalone APIs and fetching configs dynamically. Because I have suspicions that this wasn't tested and do not work.
Can we reproduce the initial issue somehow with our samples?
@FabianGosebrink I will try to prepare some example project at friday. As it would be my day off from work.
I am experiencing this exact issue as outlined in the original post. I am instead implementing an http call to my cognito service logoff endpoint and then clearing the users session as a workaround. I do not have any additional detail that has not been discussed in this thread, but would like to keep this issue active for further investigation.
We were experiencing the exact same issue, however only on firefox.
I narrowed it down to the checkSession.
The logoff is failing here:
The above two startCheckSession && this.checkSessionReceived are both true.
I get the feeling its due to the fact that the check session is in progress and therefor this is always returning here:
The fact that this always returns of(null) doesn't help debugging either. The result of the logOff is always null, regardless of whether it succeeded or not..
Anyways, we solved it by calling the checkSessionService and stopping it, its private so you have to access it like this:
return this._oidSecurityService.logoff();
I'm experiencing exactly the same issue with the b2c as identity provider! I'm using http loader to load configs with standalone APIs and using a public route: '/callback' since all my routes are guarded.
Here is my auth config:
// Default authentication configuration
export const defaultAuthConfig: OpenIdConfiguration = {
redirectUrl: window.location.origin + '/callback',
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin + '/callback',
scope: 'openid',
responseType: 'code',
silentRenew: true,
historyCleanupOff: true,
silentRenewUrl: `${window.location.origin}/app/auth.silent-refresh.html`,
triggerAuthorizationResultEvent: true,
autoUserInfo: false,
logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
customParamsAuthRequest: {
lang: 'FR',
* Factory function to create an instance of StsConfigHttpLoader for loading OpenID configuration asynchronously from HTTP.
* This function retrieves the OpenID configuration from a ConfigService and merges it with the default authentication configuration.
* @param configService - The ConfigService instance used to load application settings.
* @returns An instance of StsConfigHttpLoader configured with the merged authentication configuration.
export const stsConfigHttpLoaderFactory = (configService: ConfigService) => {
return new StsConfigHttpLoader(
new Observable<OpenIdConfiguration>((subscriber) => {
next: (settings) => {{
error: (error) => {
And my application config:
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
// To pass the user's access token to the HTTP requests with authentication interceptor:
// configure the authentication flow using angular-auth-oidc-client:
loader: {
// Load STS configuration dynamically using StsConfigLoader:
provide: StsConfigLoader,
useFactory: stsConfigHttpLoaderFactory,
deps: [ConfigService],
// Initialize application configuration before the app starts
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
return () => configService.load();
deps: [ConfigService],
multi: true,
// Provide route configuration for the application
And finally the app routes:
export const appRoutes: Array<Route> = [
path: '',
component: ContractsOverviewComponent,
canActivate: [AutoLoginPartialRoutesGuard],
{ path: 'callback', component: CallbackComponent }, //
{ path: '**', redirectTo: '/' },
After perform the logout calling the this.oidcSecurityService.logoffAndRevokeTokens().subscribe();
I'm not being redirected to the b2c login screen and I'm being redirected to the: https://localhost:200/callback?state= ..... and redirected to my app. After that user is not logged out and I can access the user data,.
Any help ? @damienbod @timdeschryver @FabianGosebrink