Damian Petla
Damian Petla
hey @martinbonnin I was trying it out but don't know what to do with `KtorWebSocketEngine` that we were using so far on previous `WebSocketNetworkTransport`
hey @martinbonnin I have tried your gist but for some reason subscriptions stopped emitting any data. I have logged the engine and I see frames being send and received.
Not sure really how at the moment, building something on a side would probably take too much time. I might look into the code more later and try debugging more....
Hey @martinbonnin I will be looking into this again in upcoming days. I will setup first some tests for existing configurations and functions that we have and then try switching...
hey @martinbonnin why examining current setup I was trying passing bearer with Auth ktor plugin instead `defaultRequest`. However, when token expires WS throws this exception ```kotlin com.apollographql.apollo3.exception.ApolloWebSocketClosedException: WebSocket Closed code='4403'...
hey @martinbonnin maybe you could help me out simulate closing web socket by server due to expired token. I know I could simulate it with `responseBody.enqueueMessage(CloseFrame(4403, "{\"server_error_msg\":\"4403: Forbidden\"}"))` and it...
hey @martinbonnin 4403 is what our server return when token expire and it is causing reconnection, reopenWhen on subscription transport is fired. I have resolved my issue by separating ktor...
ButterKnife works great but KotterKnife does not have such functionality. So is there a chance that you will try to take care of that issue? If not, I will try...