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RxSample copied to clipboard

Sample project demonstrating how to use RxJava replay


This sample demonstrate how to use replay function from Rx to cache data and prevent new subscrivers execute background operations from the beginning.

App structure

It's built with simple MVP pattern. Our focus is on the model side where Repository exists. There are 2 views: news list and news details . News list is the one that trigger background operation in the repository. News details is the one that use cached data previously downloaded.

I am using Kodein as dependency injection. The graph is setup inside custom Application class.

How it works

In Repository we initialize a background request that is downloading news from the web.

var request: ConnectableObservable<List<News>>? = null

override fun getNewsList(): Observable<List<News>> {
  if (request == null) {
      val localWithSave = localDataSource.getNewsList()
      val networkWithSave = remoteDataSource.getNewsList().doOnNext {
      request = Observable.concat(localWithSave, networkWithSave).first().replay()
  return request!!

The flow

  1. Activity call via presenter getNewsList() and register itself as subscriber.
  2. Repositiory creates new request if null.
  3. Once request is created I call request.connect() to start emmiting items.
  4. Activity is left and unsubscribe itself from our request but the same request is not stopping.
  5. Activity is created and subscribe again to Repository calling getNewsList() via presenter.
  6. Now the most interesting part - all chained operations called before replay() are not called again. Instead replay emits to the subscriber all data previously emitted.


In case refreshing by user I simply unsubscribe our request and initialize again.

request?.connect { it.unsubscribe() }


A comment about how I deal with MVP. I don't really like playing ping pong between View and Presenter. For me main role of the Presenter is to mediate between View and Model. So if View trigger some operation it knows what to do about itself but it's Presenter's responsibility to do something with the rest of the components and only with the rest.

Common use case

  1. View tell Presenter get me some news
  2. Presenter tell View show indicator
  3. Presenter tell Model get me some news
  4. Model tell Presenter there are your news
  5. Presenter tell View hide indicator
  6. Presenter tell View use that news list or show error

I believe that we make View very stupid, too much I would say. Since View is the one that triggers operation, it knows at which point indicator should be shown or when it should be hidden when we get data from the Presenter.

My way

So I would keep the flow simpler:

  1. View tell Presenter get me some news
  2. Presenter tell Model get me some news
  3. Model tell Presenter there are your news
  4. Presenter tell View use that news list

Of course I am not saying that Presenter should never tell View to show some indicator. It can, in fact it should but only when Model is triggering some actions. For example, asuming that Presenter listen to Model:

  1. Model tell Presenter I have some extra news for you e.g. from push
  2. Presenter tell View show some indicator because some data is coming
  3. Presenter tell View use that new data
  4. Presenter tell View hide indicator, we are done for now