processing-esp-mode copied to clipboard
A simple editor for ESP code that runs inside the PDE
The Readme with the installation information for Visual C++ Build Tools is broken. I used this link to install the current build tools: which links to the Visual C++...
Hey! I wanted to try out the software and was able to record training samples and calibration data. However when I start to train the samples, it shows "training was...
Hello, In order to run processing -esp-mode on my linux/fedora, how could I build this folder so it it works. I tried to download the whole project and placing it...
We need various libraries. **ESP** **GRT** Options: 1. ~~Compile as a static library and link into ESP library.~~ 2. ~~Compile as a static library and distribute with the Processing mode.~~...
When launching ESP, provide it with a default directory for session data (e.g. the data/ sub-directory of the folder containing the source code). ESP should automatically load the session in...
e.g. distinguish classification examples from signal processing examples. We might also want to distinguish full examples (w/ heuristics) from examples intended more as starting points for people writing their own...