use-exit-intent copied to clipboard
🐠 A React Hook to handle exit intent strategies
useExitIntent: 🐠 A React Hook to handle exit intent strategies
The Exit Intent strategy is a great way to increase your conversion rate. That strategy is commonly used to show a modal/popup when the user is about to leave your website.
🐠 Features
- 🚀 Multiple handlers can be registred
- 🔥 Highly configurable
- 🧠 Different strategies for Desktop and Mobile
- ⛔️ Unsubscription support with cookies
- 🎉 Built with TypeScript
🐠 Installation
In your terminal, run:
- npm
npm i use-exit-intent
- pnpm
pnpm i use-exit-intent
- yarn
yarn add use-exit-intent
🐠 Usage
In your React component:
import { useExitIntent } from 'use-exit-intent'
export function App() {
const { registerHandler } = useExitIntent()
id: 'openModal',
handler: () => console.log('Hello from handler!')
// ...
🐠 Knowledge
🐠 Contributing
Note: contributions are always welcome, but always ask first, — please — before work on a PR.
That said, there's a bunch of ways you can contribute to this project, like by:
- :beetle: Reporting a bug
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