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Code examples from Delphi Event-based and Asynchronous Programming Book
Code examples from Delphi Event-based and Asynchronous Programming Book
Part 1. The Loop
Chapter 1. Hidden complexity
- ConHelloWorld.dpr
- HelloWorld.dpr
Chapter 2. Peeking at the console
- ConSumParams.dpr
- ConSumRead.dpr
- ConSumLoop.dpr
Part 2. Messaging Systems
Chapter 7. Windows Messaging System
- 7.1 Windows Message Queue
- WinApp.dpr
Chapter 8. Windows Messaging System in VCL
- 8.2 Window for non-visual components
- GearApp.dpr
- GearU.pas
- GearMainF.pas
- GearMainF.dfm
Chapter 10. System.Messaging
- MsgApp.dpr
- MsgMainF.pas
- MsgMainF.dfm
Part 3. Life, the Universe, and Everything
Chapter 12. Automatic memory management and Chapter 14. Class helpers
- XMLBuilderApp.dpr
- XMLBuilderU.pas
- XMLBuilderMainF.pas
- XMLBuilderMainF.dfm
- XMLBuilderIntfU.pas
Chapter 13.6 Interfaces and generics
- GenIntf.dpr
Chapter 15. Anonymous methods and lambdas
15.4 Anonymous method variable capture
- AnonymousVar.dpr
- AnonymousVarProc.dpr
- AnonymousVarProc2.dpr
- Anonymous1.dpr
- Anonymous2.dpr
- Anonymous3.dpr
- Anonymous4.dpr
- Anonymous5.dpr
- Anonymous6.dpr
- Anonymous7.dpr
- Anonymous8.dpr
15.5 Capturing and loops
- CaptureLoops.dpr
- CaptureLoopsCorrect.dpr
- CaptureLoopsObject.dpr
15.6 Anonymous method reference cycles
- Cycle1.dpr
- Cycle2.dpr
- Cycle3.dpr
- Cycle4.dpr
15.7 Using weak references to break anonymous method reference cycles
- CycleWeak.dpr
Part 4. Asynchronous Programming and Multithreading
Chapter 16. Asynchronous programming and multithreading
- SynchronousApp.dpr
- SynchronousMainF.pas
- SynchronousMainF.dfm
Chapter 19. Application.ProcessMessages reentrancy problem
- ProcessMsgApp.dpr
- ProcessMsgMainF.pas
- ProcessMsgMainF.dfm
Chapter 20. Moving long operations to a background thread
- BackgroundApp.dpr
- BackgroundMainF.pas
- BackgroundMainF.dfm
Chapter 21. Asynchronous message dialog
- AsyncDlg.dpr
- AsyncDlg.dproj
- AsyncDlgMainF.pas
- AsyncDlgMainF.fmx
Chapter 22. Tasks
- TasksApp.dpr
- TasksMainF.pas
- TasksMainF.dpr
Chapter 23. Back to the Future
- FutureApp.dpr
- FutureMainF.pas
- FutureMainF.dfm
Chapter 24. There is no Future like your own Future
24.1 Generic approach to future
- GenFutureApp.dpr
- GenFutureMainF.pas
- GenFutureMainF.dfm
- NX.Core.pas
- NX.GenFuture.pas
24.2 TValue approach to future
- ValueFutureApp.dpr
- ValueFutureMainF.pas
- ValueFutureMainF.dfm
- NX.Future.pas
Part 5. Thread Safety
Chapter 25. What is thread safety anyway?
25.2 Working example of thread-unsafe code
- ThreadUnsafe.dpr
Chapter 29. Use immutable data
- Mutability.dpr
Chapter 31. Initialization pattern
- InitializationPattern.pas
Chapter 32. Protecting shared data
32.1 Synchronization primitives (objects)
- UsingSyncObjs.pas
- DeadlockApp.dpr
- DeadlockMainF.pas
- DeadlockMainF.dfm
32.2 Thread synchronization
- ThreadSyncApp.dpr
- ThreadSyncMainF.pas
- ThreadSyncMainF.dfm
32.4 Events
- EventsApp.dpr
- EventsMainF.pas
- EventsMainF.dfm
Part 6. GUI and Multithreading
Chapter 34. Communicating with the main thread
- GUICommApp.dpr
- GUICommMainF.pas
- GUICommMainF.dfm
- ProgressF.pas
- ProgressF.dfm
- ControlsF.pas
- ControlsF.dfm
- SpeedF.pas
- SpeedF.dfm
- MessagingF.pas
- MessagingF.dfm
Chapter 35. Communication and GUI issues
35.1 Deadlocking the main thread
- GUIDeadlockApp.dpr
- GUIDeadlockMainF.pas
- GUIDeadlockMainF.dfm
35.2 Cleanup on GUI destruction
- GUICleanupApp.dpr
- GUICleanupMainF.pas
- GUICleanupMainF.dfm
- DestroyF.pas
- DestroyF.dfm
- GuardianF.pas
- GuardianF.dfm
- WaitF.pas
- WaitF.dfm