Dalibor Janák
Dalibor Janák
tilesrver-php is designed only for serving tiles. Raster or pbf. If you need to process raster map for tileserver use maptiler from www.maptiler.com. If you need to create raster tiles...
We never tried ts-php with mbutil. But this does not issue about that. You can open something like "mbutil data support" and give as non-working data. We can look at...
The tutorial is here https://openmaptiles.org/docs/host/tileserver-php/ Just copy the mbtiles into a folder next to tileserver.php and then open localhost/tileserver-php/ there will be an interface with sample viewers. If this not...
Thanks for the idea. We will look at that.
GP is now implemented and used in major GIS software. I would like to do this soon. (And prepare also schema for MapTiler) Specs: http://www.geopackage.org/spec/#tiles http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geopackage
Do you have a folder structure or mbtiles? If you don't know, use MT Desktop https://www.maptiler.com/desktop/ or use the same metadata which Desktop produces
Thanks for PR but ```hex2bin()``` is supported only 5.4+. What is the reason for use it instead of ```unpack()```?
Yes, version problem. I'm running 5.6 / 7 and it is OK but we are supporting now 5.2 that is a reason for old ```Array()``` usage etc. As I see...
First draft: ``` php TileServer-PHP Checker ul{list-style-type: none;} li.success{color: green;} li.warning{color:red} TileServer-PHP Checker ```
Reported problem with PHP 7 check in #121