XiaoMi-Pro-Hackintosh copied to clipboard
Overall Audio State
Hi, I noticed that my headset's microphone doesn't work. I tested all layout-ids to find something. UPD: after many reboots and some ALCPlugFix reinstalls, I seem it's working but quieter than layout-id 30 or 29.
Experienced issues with audio on different layout-ids
ALCPlugFix was deleted for proper testing
99 - Current
- Speaker: Good
- Int Mic: Good
- Headphone: Good, needs ALCPlugFix
- Headphone Mic: Semi-Good, needs ALCPlugFix, Quiet
Internal mic changes to Line In when inserted
- Speaker: Good
- Int Mic: Good
- Headphone: Good
- Headphone Mic: Semi-Good, all music from headphones goes here too, also need to replug for working
Line In and Internal Microphone always shown
Mic could be switched
- Speaker: No sound
- Int Mic: Good
- Headphone: Good
- Headphone Mic: No sound but the device is showing up
- Speaker: Good
- Int Mic: Good
- Headphone: Good, ALCPlugFix
- Headphone Mic: No device
- Speaker: Good
- Int Mic: Good
- Headphone: No sound
- Headphone Mic: No device
11, 13
- Speaker: Good
- Int Mic: Semi-Good, quiet
- Headphone: No sound
- Headphone Mic: No device
3, 47, 66
- Speaker: No sound
- Int Mic: Semi-Good, quiet
- Headphone: No sound
- Headphone Mic: No device
Hi, thank you for your efforts. I am not quite sure the change of layout-id would cause side effects or not. I knows a little about how @daliansky did on the layout-id 99, but it seems reliable so I may have to consider carefully before change the id. Here is a reference of how daliansky make a compatible AppleALC: https://blog.daliansky.net/Use-AppleALC-sound-card-to-drive-the-correct-posture-of-AppleHDA.html.
I've read that guide. @daliansky made a proper layout for our laptop. Thanks him for the detailed guide. But "Headphone mic problem" depends on DSP settings. We could amplify it, however, we hear headphone sound in it. Checked how Windows works - you can hear sound in microphone, but it stays quiet when you are speaking, so you haven't got side effects seen on mac. Leave that issue open, maybe somebody will take an effort.
@qeeqez Hi, do you have a chance to extract HdaCodec dump from latest Clover+FN+F8
or in Linux? I am trying to rework on layout-id 99, and I can't find Headphone Mic codec in my codec dump which generated from Clover.
HdaCodec#0 (Realtek ALC298).txt
@stevezhengshiqi I'll try tomorrow if you are still waiting for it :)
@qeeqez Don’t worry, feel free to do it.^^
@stevezhengshiqi Hi, I tried to extract codec with clover - no mic here, also tried with Linux live usb - no mic too, it even doesn't work at all. Windows is Ok. I'll try to install Linux and check later.
@qeeqez Thank you so much for helping. It's weird that headphone mic is not included in codec dump. I am also trying to extract dump from Windows.
I extract pinconfig from windows, and it looks the same as codec dump generated by Clover.
I just reworked the whole thing, and this is the note if anyone is interested. AppleALC Notes.zip
Hi, I'm interested in what you changed 4fa8a259a03bab88f8297035e95b3c891e237f63 in ALCPlugFix binary because It has improved so much in headphone fix, but still need to replug something after sleep in a rare case.
Here's mine after add wake detection, fix on boot and fix every hour.(definitely overkill)
// main.m
// ALCPlugFix
// Created by Oleksandr Stoyevskyy on 11/3/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Oleksandr Stoyevskyy. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
@protocol DaemonProtocol
- (void)performWork;
@interface NSString (ShellExecution)
- (NSString*)runAsCommand;
@implementation NSString (ShellExecution)
- (NSString*)runAsCommand {
NSPipe* pipe = [NSPipe pipe];
NSTask* task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[task setLaunchPath: @"/bin/sh"];
[task setArguments:@[@"-c", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", self]]];
[task setStandardOutput:pipe];
NSFileHandle* file = [pipe fileHandleForReading];
[task launch];
return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[file readDataToEndOfFile] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
# pragma mark ALCPlugFix Object Conforms to Protocol
@interface ALCPlugFix : NSObject <DaemonProtocol>
@implementation ALCPlugFix
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Do here what you needs to be done to start things
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver: self
selector: @selector(receiveWakeNote:)
name: NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification object: NULL];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
// Do here what needs to be done to shut things down
//[super dealloc];
- (void)performWork
// This method is called periodically to perform some routine work
NSLog(@"Performing periodical fixing ...");
NSString *output1 = [@"hda-verb 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
NSString *output2 = [@"hda-verb 0x1a SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
- (void) receiveWakeNote: (NSNotification*) note
NSLog(@"receiveSleepNote: %@", [note name]);
NSLog(@"Wake detected, fixing ...");
NSString *output1 = [@"hda-verb 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
NSString *output2 = [@"hda-verb 0x1a SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
# pragma mark Setup the daemon
// Seconds runloop runs before performing work
#define kRunLoopWaitTime 3600.0
BOOL keepRunning = TRUE;
void sigHandler(int signo)
NSLog(@"sigHandler: Received signal %d", signo);
switch (signo) {
case SIGTERM: keepRunning = FALSE; break; // SIGTERM means we must quit
default: break;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSLog(@"Headphones daemon running!");
signal(SIGHUP, sigHandler);
signal(SIGTERM, sigHandler);
ALCPlugFix *task = [[ALCPlugFix alloc] init];
AudioDeviceID defaultDevice = 0;
UInt32 defaultSize = sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
const AudioObjectPropertyAddress defaultAddr = {
AudioObjectGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &defaultAddr, 0, NULL, &defaultSize, &defaultDevice);
AudioObjectPropertyAddress sourceAddr;
sourceAddr.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDataSource;
sourceAddr.mScope = kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput;
sourceAddr.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
NSLog(@"Init fixing");
NSString *output1 = [@"hda-verb 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
NSString *output2 = [@"hda-verb 0x1a SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
AudioObjectAddPropertyListenerBlock(defaultDevice, &sourceAddr, dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(UInt32 inNumberAddresses, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress * inAddresses) {
// UInt32 bDataSourceId = 0;
// UInt32 bDataSourceIdSize = sizeof(UInt32);
// AudioObjectGetPropertyData(defaultDevice, inAddresses, 0, NULL, &bDataSourceIdSize, &bDataSourceId);
// if (bDataSourceId == 'ispk') {
// Recognized as internal speakers
// NSLog(@"Headphones removed! Fixing!");
// NSString *output1 = [@"hda-verb 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
// NSString *output2 = [@"hda-verb 0x1a SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
// } else if (bDataSourceId == 'hdpn') {
// Recognized as headphones
// NSLog(@"Headphones inserted! Fixing!");
// NSString *output1 = [@"hda-verb 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
// NSString *output2 = [@"hda-verb 0x1a SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
// }
NSLog(@"Audio device changed! Fixing!");
NSString *output1 = [@"hda-verb 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
NSString *output2 = [@"hda-verb 0x1a SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20" runAsCommand];
while (keepRunning) {
[task performWork];
CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, kRunLoopWaitTime, false);
// [task release];
NSLog(@"Daemon exiting");
return 0;
I'm thinking to add screensDidWakeNotification
which call every screen wake and maybe remove "auto fix". But maybe it's overkill and in any case mine solution still need more testing.
As always, thanks for your hard work.
@Menchen Nice job! Could you send your m.c
? I think I need to change hda-verb command to get better experience. For example 0x21 command is needed.
@stevezhengshiqi https://github.com/Menchen/ALCPlugFix Added wake detection(unlock and wake from sleep), auto fix every hour and some code refactoring. You should clone the entire repo as some library (AppKit) is added to xcodeproj.
use xcodebuild -target ALCPlugFix
to build, I'm using your hda-verb
function is called to fix (no matter what input source).
Quick install
sudo cp build/Release/ALCPlugFix /usr/bin
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/ALCPlugFix
sudo chown root:wheel /usr/bin/ALCPlugFix
@Menchen Great job! Just an ask: Is it possible to move had-verb
and ALCPlugFix
to /usr/local/bin/
and let ALCPlugFix point to that new location?
It may be cleaner if files are in this new location, and it seems like macOS Update Assistant would wipe out all the user-defined files in /user/bin/
when updating system.
So you want to move out from /usr/local/bin/
ALCPlugFix binary will find the first had-verb
in $PATH
which /usr/local/bin/
is in by default(If you want to change the location to current folder should be trivial by adding ./
before had-verb
About ALCPlugFix binary itself don't matter where it's in, you just need to modify the launch agent plist to find it by hardcode its location (or add to $PATH
, need to modify user environment so not recommended.) to be able to auto launch at boot.
Currently ALCPlugFix
is installed in /usr/bin/
, I tried to move them to /usr/local/bin/
I moved ALCPlugFix
and hda-verb
to /usr/local/bin/
and edited the Agent to the new location(/usr/local/bin/ALCPlugFix
) but it doesn't work. It seems that ALCPlugFix can't find /usr/bin/local/had-verb
(I will debug that latter.)
ALCPlugFix binary will find the first had-verb in $PATH which /usr/local/bin/ is in by default
Could you explain it more specifically? Sorry that I can't find that PATH in main.m except in L31.
You can do which had-verb
to see what's binary it's going to use, I'm going to debug a little because maybe root doesn't have /usr/local/bin
in it's PATH, also you can see what's in you PATH by echo $PATH
Also $PATH
is a shell terminology, ALCPlugFix run command by /bin/sh -c "YOUR COMMAND"
I have tested moving had-verb to /usr/local/bin/
and running ALCPlugFix directly and it works,
~~Also after your PR, I have noticed double fix message per plug.~~ My fault forgot to kill before running..
Another solution would be installing LaunchAgent as user Agent as it doesn't need root, so it doesn't mess with the system, but I think all user agent runs after login?.. not sure about that.
Thanks for your advice!
Update: Not sure either. Does the root LaunchAgent with /usr/local/bin/ALCPlugFix
works on your device? It it does, the problem may due to my own setup.
@stevezhengshiqi got it working in /usr/local/bin
. Just check my repo, I have added support to detect and find hda-verb in work directory.
Update: It seem that LaunchDaemon is better because it run before user log in.
@Menchen Nice Job! I think in L11, the address should also change to /usr/local/bin/ALCPlugFix
Also, in L19, the location should be /usr/local/bin/
It works for me, will update your scripts to this repository, thank you!
@stevezhengshiqi Fixed! Sorry for the late response and thanks for catching the bug, that happened to me for editing it manually instead of copying my own setup. Also, I tested it with LaunchDaemons and it works better as Daemons can launch before login(No need of GUI).
@Menchen Could you ensure that works? I just tested and the LaunchDaemons doesn't work for me.
BTW, in L9, the location should change.
@stevezhengshiqi thanks again for pointing the bug, About LaunchDaemons I have tested more than twice with full reboot and more time with warm-reboot.
Update: Confirmed working after 'a clean' using install script. You maybe have some leftover that conflict the plist.
@Menchen I am pretty sure I have a clean install, and I will recheck it later.
My situation is that when the plist is in LaunchDaemon
, I have great headphone output and input, but after I replug the headphone, the sound disappears. Closing and opening the lid enable headphone working again, but no sound after replugging.
When the plist is in LaunchAgent
, I don't have replug issue. I know these two folders are basically the same except loading time, so I am confused. May due to my set up.
Replug is working for me, ps aux | grep -i ALCPlugFix
Use this to check if ALCPlugFix is running, and add the following to plist to debug.
@Menchen Here are two troubleshooting files. For each situation, I frst use internal speaker, then plug headphone, then replug, then sleep and wake, then replug.
LaunchDaemon.zip LaunchAgent.zip I guess maybe AppKit class is loaded after login(?), so the LaunchDaemon one fail to load its dependency? Not sure about that. I will debug it more on the next day.
ALCPlugFix is running in LaunchDaemon, and both your log and screenshot confirm that, would have a crash message or some segment fault if something is wrong. Interesting that when using LaunchDaemon Audio device change is not watched, thus replug is not working, and yeah you should rest, it's 3 AM in your timezone(LOL).
Update: I found it after adding debug code. It seems you can't hook audio listener before login. It gives an error with no documentation
@stevezhengshiqi You were right about not working with LaunchDaemons, I had forgotten to test with sleep.
I have fixed that bug about hooking to AudioListener at boot (Maybe daemon run before audio service and initiate?) by adding delay and retry until success.
It seems the only benefit using LaunchDaemon is when you left the headphone plugged and don't want to hear noise when you type your password wrong, otherwise, ALCPlugFix won't work until you log in.
@Menchen It works, thanks a lot for your efforts! The benefits may seem small, but theorticallly LaunchDaemons
is a better place for the ALCPlugFix service. Merged that into this repository.
@Menchen Hi, I got some feedback that ALCPlugFix is not working on Catalina. I guess the issue relates to the new privacy protections
in 10.15. According to macOS 10.15 Release Note,
resources for a launchd service must be stored in locations that aren’t privacy sensitive.
I will ask them to provide the debug log. Just let you know that maybe there's a compatibility issue in 10.15. I can't verify the issue because my device is broken.
Thanks for the feedback, I’m going to update to Catalina this week.