XiaoMi-Pro-Hackintosh copied to clipboard
chainload Grub
I tried to boot grub from clover and it boot correctly but whatever linux kernel I pick it remains stuck loading initial ramdisk. If I boot directly to grub everything works fine and I can enter my ubuntu system. On an past version of your efi folder everything was working. But unfortunately that version of efi folder is not compatible with mojave. I can give you the efi folder mentioned if needed.
Hi, it's a Clover related problem and you can try to create a ticket in https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/ and discuss with Clover developers.
Because you said an old version can work, you can also try to downgrade Clover by replacing the BOOT
folder, drivers64UEFI
folder, tools
folder, and CLOVERX64.efi
to that old version. I don't guarantee that would work because version before r4658 may not support Mojave on KabyLake-R.
I tried with some old clover version but every clover that can boot mojave seems unable to boot linux and viceversa. Thank you anyway for the advice.
You shouldn't chainload Grub or any other bootloader, use Clover for booting: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Clover
I know i can load directly linux kernel, but i would like to have grub as a middleware. Btw I think I found a way to chainload it, I will do some test tonight then I will share here my solution. Thank you for the interest
ok the driver that prevent linux to boot is AptioMemoryFix, using an old version of this driver make linux bootable again mantaining full support of mojave. I've not tested everything but for now everything seems to work. This is the file version I used, for anyone interested to test. AptioMemoryFix.efi.zip
A few days ago i had same problem with this laptop. I've created a workaround for the latest revision (R26) of AptioMemoryFix. It works for me. So, i ask you to confirm that Linux and Windows can be loaded from Clover / OpenCore. And advanced users i ask to check hibernation and nvram in macOS.
Check it: AptioMemoryFix-64.efi.zip
A few days ago i had same problem with this laptop. I've created a workaround for the latest revision (R26) of AptioMemoryFix. It works for me. So, i ask you to confirm that Linux and Windows can be loaded from Clover / OpenCore. And advanced users i ask to check hibernation and nvram in macOS.
Check it: AptioMemoryFix-64.efi.zip
I am using your AptioMemoryFix for booting into Ubuntu and Windows 10 version 1903.
@denskop 👍Considering creating a pull request to https://github.com/acidanthera/AptioFixPkg?