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filetree copied to clipboard

cannot clone the repository

Open ykurahara opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I'm in trouble, thus strongly require to fix this issue.

I tried to clone the repository. But I can't and got the following errors;

MINGW64 ~/hoge $ git clone Cloning into 'filetree'... remote: Enumerating objects: 16316, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (116/116), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (59/59), done. remote: Total 16316 (delta 51), reused 116 (delta 51), pack-reused 16200 Receiving objects: 100% (16316/16316), 2.99 MiB | 202.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (8362/8362), done. error: invalid path 'tests/testRepositories/ver03/Cypress-Mocks.pkg/snapshot/classes/CypressMockBasic.class/class/' fatal: unable to checkout working tree warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed. You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status' and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

MINGW64 ~/hoge $ ls filetree/

MINGW64 ~/hoge $ cd filetree/

MINGW64 ~/hoge/filetree (gemstone2.4) $ ls

Cannot see any files!!

MINGW64 ~/hoge/filetree (gemstone2.4) $ git restore --source=HEAD :/ error: invalid path 'tests/testRepositories/ver03/Cypress-Mocks.pkg/snapshot/classes/CypressMockBasic.class/class/' error: invalid path 'tests/testRepositories/ver03/Cypress-Mocks.pkg/snapshot/classes/CypressMockBasic.class/instance/' error: invalid path 'tests/testRepositories/ver04/Cypress-Mocks.tree/CypressMockBasic/' error: invalid path 'tests/testRepositories/ver04/Cypress-Mocks.tree/CypressMockBasic_class/'

MINGW64 ~/hoge/filetree (gemstone2.4) $ ls doc/ license.txt repository/ tests/ tode/

MINGW64 ~/hoge/filetree (gemstone2.4) $

Best regards, Yasuhiro Kurahara

ykurahara avatar May 06 '22 15:05 ykurahara

I'm guessing that you are trying to clone this repo on a windows machine ... Windows has trouble with long directory paths ... it has been several years since I have had to resolve a Windows-based issue and at the end of the day I think that you have to hack the repository paths to get it to clone to Windows ... GemStone doesn't run on Windows, so I'm not sure what you are planning on using the repository for ... if you are using Squeak and Pharo, I believe that folks that use those platforms can help you with your problem ...

dalehenrich avatar May 06 '22 15:05 dalehenrich

Hi @dalehenrich, @ykurahara. Have you tried to enable long paths support in Windows and git? According to, you may have to change a windows setting and enable git long paths support with git config --system core.longpaths true.

ThierryGoubier avatar May 06 '22 16:05 ThierryGoubier

Thanks @ThierryGoubier! I do use git on Windows ... but it is good to know that there is a solution out there...

dalehenrich avatar May 06 '22 17:05 dalehenrich