dh_date icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dh_date copied to clipboard

Date formatting / parsing library for erlang

Results 4 dh_date issues
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- Fix Makefile. - add rebar3 on the fly - tune rebar3 actions. - Remove rebar3 file - Fix README. - Rename it to `README.md`. - Add hex.pm version label....

``` 18> dh_date:parse("2015-05-30T23:59:60.35+05:00"). {error,bad_date} ``` Per ISO 8601 they should work.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_second (Clearly the library doesn't need to keep track of when leap seconds were added, but it should be able to parse them.) ``` 11> dh_date:parse("2015-06-30T23:59:60"). {error,bad_date} 12> dh_date:parse("2015-06-30T23:59:60Z")....

Hello! I was needed to have the dot symbol as separator, and wrote [patch](https://github.com/greggy/dh_date/commit/d44c585003848cde35b711fc130e9c02a01083ef) An Usage example: ``` 1> dh_date:parse("24.01.2012 19:00", calendar:local_time()). {{2012,1,24},{19,0,0}} ```