batch-dropblock-network copied to clipboard
Official source code of "Batch DropBlock Network for Person Re-identification and Beyond" (ICCV 2019)
Hello, I successfully executed this program, but I have some questions about the allocation of datasets. Under normal circumstances, the training dataset and the validation dataset are carried out together....
你好,请问是不是不管是哪个数据集,都是用data_manager的class Market1501来处理,只需要更换config里的dataset即可,其他均不变。
#part branch x = self.res_part2(x) x = self.batch_crop(x) triplet_feature = self.part_maxpool(x).squeeze() 楼主,你好,上述代码是您part分支进行batch drop的操作,我想问下在测试过程中为什么也要进行此操作?而当我在测试代码中去掉此操作时,他的结果和使用是完全一样的,请您指导一下,期待您的回复!!!!
when I test, there is a error, ValueError: expected 2D or 3D input (got 1D input), please tell me how should I do.
Hello, after reading through your dissertation, I saw the class activation map, but I do n’t know how to get it, can you share this visual code? Thank you very...
when using eval_func_gpu,list named results is always none
There are "mgn_model" and " mgn_part" in your training log, but i can't find them in the
Thanks for opening your code . I meet some issues when I train my own data by triplet loss . shape dist_mat : 64*64 N:64 shape '[N, -1]' is invalid...