@SeokjuLee ,Thanks for your reply . And I wonder I to calculate the center of the grid,as it is important to the FP? In my code, I use the (xmin+4,ymin+4)...
@SeokjuLee ,can you release your evaluate code on caltech lanes detection?
@aquariusnk The backend is lmdb ,the 'b' is absent . ./../build/tools/compute_driving_mean LMDB_train ./driving_mean_train.binaryproto **lmd**
the following is my code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ../../build/tools/convert_driving_data /home/swjtu/daixiaogang/VPGNet/caltech-lanes-dataset train_list.txt LMDB_train ../../build/tools/compute_driving_mean LMDB_train ./driving_mean_train.binaryproto lmdb ../../build/tools/convert_driving_data /home/swjtu/daixiaogang/VPGNet/caltech-lanes-dataset test_list.txt LMDB_test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- train_list.txt and test_list.txt are in the same folder with make_lmdb.sh the...
@aquariusnk ,how should I give this file to you ?
@chengm15 ,you shuould delete the LMDB_train and LMDB_test dir before you run this bash.
@chengm15 , you should read the error message when you meet it . There should exsit blankspace between each parameter.Just like: `../../build/tools/convert_driving_data /home/chengming/chengming/VPGNet/caltech-lanes-dataset cordova1.txt`
@ln-scau ,can you tell me how to handle the ouput? How did you know which channel is lane?
@hexiangquan ,have you release it?
@SeokjuLee ,can you write a demo that use the deploy.prototxt by python? Because I do not know whether the mean value is needed or not in this step.When I add...