redmine_version_burndown_charts copied to clipboard
Version Burndown Charts is redmine plugin.
= redmine_version_burndown ja:
- このプラグインは、バージョンに存在するチケットの予定工数と作業実績からバーンダウンチャートを作成します。
- Version Burndown Charts Plugin create burndown chart graph for scrum from ticket's estimated hours and %Done in target version.
== Details ja:
- バーンダウンチャートの開始日は、バージョン内にあるチケットの中で、最も早い開始日となります。
- 実績の線は、チケットの完了日時(ジャーナルファイル)と、そのチケットの予定工数と進捗を使って計算しています。
- The start date of the burndown chart is assumed to be earliest start date in the ticket in the version.
- The line of performanse is calculated by the completion date of the ticket (by journal file) and the ticket's estimated hours and %Done.
== Plugin Installation
- Download open_flash_chart 2.1.1.
- Unpack and move into vendor/plugins.
- Rename the plugin directory to open_flash_chart. If you want to get from Github, please use following command. cd ${RAILS_ROOT} ./script/plugin install git://
- Copy files from open_flash_chart/assets/* to RAILS_ROOT/public
- Download Version Burndown Charts.
- Unpack and move into RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins.
- Rename the plugin directory to redmine_version_burndown_charts
- If you want to get from GIthub, please use following command. cd ${RAILS_ROOT} git clone git:// vendor/plugins/redmine_version_burndown_chart
- Restart Redmine.
- Login and configure the plugin (Administration > Roles and permissions > Permissions report)
- Configure the project (Project > Settings > Modules).
- Create version and set due date.
- Create ticket and set start date, estimated hours.
- Logged ticket status...
- Click to version burndown charts menu.
== Note === 0.1.0
- I tested this plugin Redmine 1.1.2 + MySQL5.1.
- Adjust Perfect Line straight.
- Added Upper and Lower line.
- Modified caluculation logic that only use child issue's value.
- Modified meaning of done. This plugin use "% Done" value.
0.1.0 feature made by asura( Thank you!
=== 0.0.6
- I tested this plugin Redmine 1.0.5 + MySQL5.1.
- Added feature: Perfect Line
=== 0.0.5
- I tested this plugin Redmine 0.9.2 + MySQL5.1.
== License This plugin is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.