@Zhanglirong-Winnie I have updated your project please see MainPage.xaml.cs line 15 [MauiApp15.v2.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14775980/MauiApp15.v2.zip) The key point is if you do not set `GroupName = "anyTextValue"`, and leave it to `null`, then...
> I got it to work using the `VisualStateManager`. > > ``` > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ``` > > I...
My findings: Lottie animation works if used with bindings and your own custom converter (using `SKLottieImageSource.FromFile`). ``` ``` But for some reason animation did not start playing for first item...
I can confirm, v8.0 of the toolkit, `Border` control not resizing based on `StackLayout` inner content.
My actual code that I tried (didn't heard that StackLayout is obsolete): ``` ... ```
I have very similar issue it might be connected. I have `CollectionView` when using `TouchBehavior` with `LongPressCommand` on every item in collection, it disables `CollectionView` selection functionality, setting `IsEnabled="False"` on...