Results 11 comments of HH

你是对的。 但是我们再给开发建议的时候。首先需要然sql解析的时候知道该sql是否是partition 和 partition的内容。 不然只能报告语法错误了。 只要语法能解析。我们才有空间去限制开发用或不用

你们好像没有用 tidb 的parse模块吧? 是用 `vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/sqlparser` 这个的

@dumingyou @baloo @alex @dreid @chaoslawful row_event.py about 200 line modify code to: ``` 201 def __read_fsp(self, column): 202 read = 0 203 if column.fsp == 1 or column.fsp == 2:...

use sysdba, DATA_SOURCE_NAME add should be ?dba privilege=sysdba username: C##AABBCC export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="oracle://C%23%AABBCC:[email protected]:1521/orcl?dba privilege=sysdba" use system, DATA_SOURCE_NAME add should be ?dba privilege=SYSOPER username: C##AABBCC export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="oracle://C%23%AABBCC:[email protected]:1521/orcl?dba privilege=SYSOPER" definition: https://github.com/sijms/go-ora file: connetion_string.go...

> let's see `crud!()` ,`impl_insert!()` Insert method py_sql impl > > ``` > "`insert into ${table_name} ` > trim ',': > for idx,table in tables: > if idx == 0:...

> ```rust > pc_banner_img > ``` yes. id auto skip. but other field not. excample: ``` #[tokio::test] async fn insert_one() -> Result { let mut rb = rdbc::get_orm_rbatis_easydb().await?; let data...

I want to use Rust code skip None, not template

You should refer to `go-ora` to use the key and value of parameters. https://github.com/sijms/go-ora ``` urlOptions := map[string]string { "TRACE FILE": "trace.log", "AUTH TYPE": "TCPS", "SSL": "enable", "SSL VERIFY": "FALSE",...

use sysdba, DATA_SOURCE_NAME add should be ?dba privilege=sysdba username: C##AABBCC `export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="oracle://C%23%AABBCC:[email protected]:1521/orcl?dba privilege=sysdba"`

> RT 支持的,除了 json 这样的类型没测试,其他的类型应该都是可以的