
Results 175 comments of daiaji

Sounds like there are virtio-FS Windows drivers available now, right?🥰

I don't seem to be able to write to the file.

@tkolo Yes, there seems to be some problems with permissions. Even if I use the permissions of 777, I can only create a folder, not create new text in the...

Excuse me, is there any progress?

https://virtio-fs.gitlab.io/howto-windows.html https://libvirt.org/kbase/virtiofs.html Under the guidance of these two tutorials, I successfully got virtiofs to work, but when I rebooted the VM, the virtiofsd in the host did not seem to...

@marcello-pietrobon I compiled the virtiofs.exe of the master branch. However, after the VM restarts, the virtiofsd process on the host still does not restart. This seems to be two different...

@YanVugenfirer I noticed that this Issues was added with a feature request, does this mean that the win driver for virtio-fs just started performance optimization some time ago?

@skywind3000 文档稍微改一下吧,真的没头没尾。

I also encountered a similar problem.

``` cat ~/.config/caddy/Caddyfile { debug order webdav last preferred_chains { root_common_name "ISRG Root X1" } } ``` caddy我配了个东西。 AdGuard当初DOT也用不了。 总之找到了这两个。 https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/android-devices-with-dot-configured-interaction-with-new-default-chain/161020 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/all-devices-private-dns-broken-with-lets-encrypt-even-on-new-devices.4341355/ 报告安卓9有这问题,我自己用安卓10也有这问题。