java-ee-examples copied to clipboard
This repository contains JavaEE examples (including JAX-RS, Wildfly Swarm, MicroProfile, Gradle, Docker, Kotlin, etc)
= java-ee-examples image:["CI", link=""]
//image:["Build Status", link=""]
This repository contains simple JavaEE examples (including Docker, different Micro-Profiles, etc).
== projects and other repositories:
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/kotlin-payara-micro-profile]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/payara-micro-gradle-no-plugin]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/payara-micro-gradle-plugin-build-script]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/maven-java-projects]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/generator-jvm]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/microprofile-examples]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/java-mp-smallrye-example]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/microprofile-coffee-shop]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/java-mp-smallrye-kafka-example]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/quarkus-reactive-pg]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/java-mp-helidon-example]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/java-mp-hammock-example]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/helidon-mp-jpa]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/helidon-examples]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/kumuluzee-examples]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/deltaspike-exception-handler-example]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/jersey-netty-cdi-jackson-file-eventstore]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/jakarta-se-nosql-examples]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/quarkus-examples]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/fabric8-maven-plugin-examples]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/microprofile-examples - JakartaEE / MicroProfile examples] //- link:[JavaEE Spring Security integration] // this shit is not working...
- link:./java-ee-dwr-example/[DWR + JavaEE CDI integration]
- link:./jboss-eap-postgres/[JBoss EAP + postgres]
- link:[Payara Micro (using gradle included!)]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/java-se-cdi-ratpack] //- link:[JavaEE ES/CQRS]
- link:[GitHub: daggerok/wildfly-swarm-microservice WildFly Swarm Micro-Service - Eeventsourcing and CQRS]
- link:./jax-rs-hateoas-links[JAX-RS HATEOS Link]
- link:./aop-logger[JavaEE API interceptor example]
- link:./porcupine-bulkhead-jee8[More async resources: Bulkhead pattern in JavaEE 8 by using porcupine library]
- link:./async-jax-rs-resources[Async JAX-RS resources]
- link:[Thymeleaf + JavaEE]
- link:[JGroups chat on Wildfly Swarm]
- link:./spring-faces/[Spring | JSF]
- link:./faces/[Faces]
- link:./facelets-example/[JSF]
- link:[Java EE: EAR, EJB, JPA, RAX-RS | Servlet | JSP | WEB | JBOSS EAP]
- link:[Accessing EJB3 from JSP]
- link:[JBOSS 4.2.2.GA | JavaEE 5 | EJB 2.1 (SessionBean)]
- link:./kotlin-kafka/[Kafka EE]
- link:./kotlin-swarm/[Kotlin Wildfly Swarm]
- link:[Axon Framework + JavaEE]
- link:[JavaEE event-driven]
- link:./java-kube-ee[deploy java-ee on kubernetes]
- link:./java-ee-7-docker-jboss-eap-6.4-quickstart[java ee 7 docker jboss-eap-6.4 boilerplate]
- link:./jboss-eap-ext.js[JBoss EAP 6.4 in Docker]
- link:./tomee-ext.js[TomEE in Docker]
- link:./glassfish-ext.js[Glassfish 5.0 in Docker]
- link:./forge-ws[java-ee jboss-wildfly gradle]
- link:./forge-javaee-6-ws[Java EE 6 / JAX-WS | JBoss Forge / Wildfly]
- link:./xmlrpx[XML-RPC (apache-xmlrpc) inside JavaEE | JBoss EAP]
- link:./ear[JavaEE EAR example]
- link:./ejb-2[JavaEE EJB 2.x example]
- link:./timer[JavaEE Timer]
- link:./timer-async-ejb[JavaEE Async EJB method execution]
- link:./ejb-3-java-ee-7[Less configurations with JavaEE 7 and EJB 3]
- link:./ejb-stateful-singleton[javaee-6 | lombok | EJB (@Stateful | @Singleton)]
- link:./jboss-eap-h2-ejb/[H2 | JBoss EAP 6 | EJB | JSON REST HttpServlet]
- link:./plain-http-servlet/[JBoss EAP 7 | Plain HttpServlet]
- link:./wildfly-swarm-maven[wildfly-swarm micro-profile with maven]
- link:./wildfly-swarm-gradle[wildfly-swarm micro-profile with gradle]
- link:./main-swarm-rest-api[wildfly-swarm main entrypoint]
- link:./main-swarm-static-content[serve static content with java-ee]
- link:./kumuluzee-microprofile-1.0[Kumuluzee MicroProfile 1.0]
- link:./kotlin-java-ee[JavaEE using Kotlin]
- link:./kotlin-plugins-java-ee[java-ee with kotlin plugins]
- link:./kotlin-java-ee-payara-docker[Java EE on Kotlin on Payara on Docker]
- link:./kotlin-javaee-cdi-h2[Kotlin | Java EE | CDI | H2 | UUID Entity ID | JSON | JBOSS EAP 6.4 / 7.1 in Docker]
- link:./rpc[Kumuluzee (Java EE on Jetty) - MiroProfile 2.0 (Config)]
- link:./kumuluzee-mp-2.0-jax-ws[Kumuluzee MP 2.0 JAX-WS]
- link:[Yet another JavaEE | JPA | CDI | JAX-RS | Docker example]
- link:[Yet another JavaEE | JAX-WS | Docker example]
== links
- link:[TODO: DDD]
- link:[TODO]
- link:[JakartaEE tutorial]
- link:[Eclipse MicroProfile]
- link:[Wildfly Swarm Micro-Profile]
- link:[Wildfly Swarm Book]
- link:[wildfly-swarm fails on travis-ci]
- link:[maven wrapper]
- link:[wildfly-swarm gradle plugin]
- link:[Java EE & JAX-RS - REST as in Hypermedia with Java]
- link:[Eclipse MicroProfile 1.0, 1.10, 1.2]
- link:[CON3884 Java EE Revisits GoF Design Patterns]