> I think also in the alternatives section, there are some monorepo management solutinos like `rushjs` that may have some overlap with anything that we would develop in-house Good idea....
@cowboyd I would like to see how far we can get with no config and see if we can tell what needs to be done from the `package.json` and the...
@cowboyd I'ved added a `Detailed design` section. Please feel free add or change anything.
@cowboyd `detect` is a shim around `waitFor` ```ts detect(text: string) { return World.spawn(this.waitFor(text)); } ``` It makes me feel a bit uneasy that removing a character from a log message...
> How could we make it more reliable? @cowboyd that is definitely the question. This sort of feels like an e2e type of test. Could we query the graphql?
I like option 2 but would you not notify the agents that a state change has happened. The agents would subscribe to a particular slice.
@cowboyd does this `Mount` function exist yet or is there a branch that is causing the error with the code in your previous comment?
@cowboyd looking at the source code for `@rollup/plugin-babel`, it does search for a `babelrc` by default although if it finds a `babel.config.js`, that takes precedence. It is a long time...
@cowboyd many thanks. That is a big help
@cowboyd I made progress on this. The `@rollup/plugin-babel` does pick up a `babel.config.js` or a `babelrc` automatically and merges it with the config we currently have in the rollup config....