all-about-monads copied to clipboard
Attempt to port All About Monads to HaskellWiki
Changed all instances of the "generic" masculine pronoun "he" into "they". When "He" Doesn’t Mean You: Gender-exclusive Language As Ostracism -- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 757-769.
[Reader]( has **Reader [(String,Value) a]** but should have **Reader [(String,Value)] a**. : Identity x >>= f == (f x), as is correctly stated on L74. : s/algabraic/algebraic
Fixing dead link
1. Fixed compilation issue with transform.hs using pandoc 1.13 2. Fixed broken imports in exampleX.hs files 3. Updated the .html to reflect the example code change in #2 above
The original code misses a type variable resulting in the compilation error. This patch introduces the type variable.