vue-notification icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-notification copied to clipboard

Notification/Toast Component Using Vue3

@dafcoe/vue-notification sample

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Easy to use, customisable notification/toast library built using Vue3.
See it action on demo page.


Install the package as a project dependency using yarn or npm:

$ yarn add @dafcoe/vue-notification

--- or ---

$ npm install --save @dafcoe/vue-notification


Import VueNotificationList component, either globally (on your main.js / main.ts file) or locally (on your component):

// Globally
import VueNotificationList from '@dafcoe/vue-notification'
const app = createApp(App)

// Locally
import { VueNotificationList } from '@dafcoe/vue-notification'

Import default styles (optional - you can define your own styling):

import '@dafcoe/vue-notification/dist/vue-notification.css'

Use it in the template as follows:




By default, the notification list is displayed on bottom right corner of the screen. You can customize this using "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left" or "bottom-right" on position prop:

<vue-notification-list position="top-left|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-right"></vue-notification-list>

Pushing Notifications

To push a notification, you have call setNotification from, passing a notification object:

import { useNotificationStore } from '@dafcoe/vue-notification'
const { setNotification } = useNotificationStore()

A notification object has the following properties:

  "message": string,
  "type": string ("info"|"warning"|"alert"|"success"),
  "showIcon": boolean,
  "dismiss": {
    "manually": boolean,
    "automatically": boolean
  "duration": number,
  "showDurationProgress": boolean,
  "appearance": string ("light"|"dark"|"glass")

Please check the demo page to easily see all propreties in action.


MIT License © Daf Coe