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Thin plate spline interpolation and deformation.

Thin Plate Spline Interpolation and Deformation

Compute thin plate spline interpolation and deformation on a 3D surface.


  • Control points: points on the surface to perform the interpolation (blue points on Figure 1 and 2).
  • Displacements: displacements of the interpolated control points (red edges on Figure 1 and 2).
  • Lambda: regularization parameter. See page 4 of

Usage: [mapping_coeffs, poly_coeffs] = find_tps_coefficients(control_points, displacemets, lambda)

Figure 1: Input data


This basically is a 3D version of the function y(x) on this page:

  • Mapping coefficients: weights of the basis function. Same as vector w.
  • Polynomial coefficients: weights v of the polynomial. Example: in 3D, v1 + v2 * x + v3 * y + v4 * z.
  • Control points: same as above.

Usage: [fX, fY, fZ] = deform_surface_tps(X, Y, Z, control_points, mapping_coeffs, poly_coeffs)

Figure 2: Result

Output of demos/tps_interp_demo.m using 20 randomly chosen control points and displacements.

Exact interpolation (lambda = 0)
Regularized interpolation (lambda = 0.2)



% FIND_TPS_COEFFICIENTS - Given a set of control points and their
% displacements, compute the coefficients of the TPS interpolant f(S)
% deforming surface S.
% Usage:    [mapping_coeffs, poly_coeffs] = ...
%               find_tps_coefficients(control_points, displacemets);
% Arguments:
%           control_points - p by d vector of control points.
%           displacemets   - p by d vector of displacements of
%                            corresponding control points in the mapping
%                            function f(S).
% Returns:
%           mapping_coeffs - p by d vector of TPS mapping coefficients.
%           poly_coeffs    - d+1 by d vector of TPS polynomial weights.
% References:
%           1.
%           2.


% DEFORM_SURFACE_TPS - Given a set of control points and mapping
% coefficients, compute a deformed surface f(S) using a thin plate spline
% radial basis function phi(r) as shown in [1].
% Usage:    [fX, fY, fZ] = deform_surface_tps(X, Y, Z, control_points, ...
%               mapping_coeffs, poly_coeffs)
% Arguments:
%           X, Y, Z        - h by w matrices of X, Y, Z components of the
%                            surface.
%           control_points - p by 3 vector of control points. Same as
%                            vector c in [1].
%           mapping_coeffs - p by 3 vector of weights of the basis
%                            functions. Same as vector w in [1].
%           poly_coeffs    - 4 by 3 vector of weights of the polynomial.
%                            Same as vector v in [1].
% Returns:
%           fX, fY, fZ     - h by w vectors of X, Y, Z compoments of the
%                            deformed surface.
% References:
%           1.