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MATLAB code for panorama image stitching.
MATLAB code for panorama image stitching.
STITCH_IMAGES - Given a set of images with overlapping regions,
automatically compute a panorama image.
Usage: [result_img, H, num_inliers, residual] ...
= stitch_images (images, sift_r, harris_r, ...
harris_thresh, harris_sigma, num_putative_matches, ransac_n)
Usage example:
stitch_images(images, 5, 5, 0.03, 1, 100, 4000)
images - 1 by n cell array of images.
sift_r - radius of the SIFT descriptor.
harris_r - radius of the Harris corner detector.
harris_thresh - Harris corner detector threshold.
harris_sigma - standard deviation of smoothing Gaussian
num_putative_matches - number of putative matches to run
ransac_n - number of RANSAC iterations.
result_img - computed paranoma image.
H - n by n cell array of homography matrices.
H{i, j} is the homography matrix between images
i and j.
num_inliers - n by n array of number of inliers. num_inliers{i,
j} is the number of inliers between images i and
residual - n by n array of sum of squared disrances.
residual{i, j} is the residual between images i
and j.
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