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"Synthesis" (step 1): Addon not found
I am trying to craft a recipe until I run out of mats while I am tabbed out of the game but I get the following error for this macro line: /waitaddon "Synthesis" <wait.1> -> Error: [SND] Failure while running /waitaddon "Synthesis" (step 1): Addon not found
The macro below: /require "Well Fed" <wait.1> /waitaddon "Synthesis" <wait.1> /ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3> /ac "Manipulation" <wait.2> /ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2> /ac "Veneration" <wait.2> /ac "Groundwork" <wait.3> /ac "Groundwork" <wait.3> /click synthesize <wait.1> /loop
The thing is if I replace "/waitaddon "Synthesis" <wait.1>" with "/click synthesize <wait.1>" the macro works just fine but I cannot tab out of the game because the loop will stop once the current craft is finished.
I have added the json link to the Experimental tab in the Dalamug Settings, I'm not sure if I am missing anything else.
I'd appreciate if you could let me know if I am doing something wrong.
Thank you.
Nevermind, I've fixed it, I put "/click synthesize <wait.1>" before the /waitaddon and it goes on and on until I'm out of mats. Sorry, I didn't really understand at first what /waitaddon does. Great plugin though!
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