Daniel Dinnyes
Daniel Dinnyes
Actually, I've encountered another issue. For some reason enabling god-mode on startup using the `after-init-hook`, causes the `god-mode-enable-function-key-interaction` to be ignored. Even though I've set it to be `nil`, when...
I've also tried using `emacs-startup-hook` instead of `after-init-hook`, which claims to be run later, and starts _god-mode_ correctly, yet still captures the **F11** key. When I don't automatically start god-mode...
Uh, oh... just noticed somehow I've been using the wrong name for the function-key option! It is named `god-mode-enable-function-key-translation`, not `-interaction`. It seems I didn't notice the issue, because I...
Yes, indeed. The issue with initializing projectile key-binding still exists.
I don't understand. [My config](https://github.com/dadinn/.emacs.d/blob/issue/god-mode/156/init.el#L144) is exactly the same as what you wrote.
Adding the `:init (require 'projectile)` doesn't seem to solve the issue for me.
This seems to have solved it though: ``` (use-package projectile :demand t :hook (projectile-grep-finished . (lambda () (pop-to-buffer next-error-last-buffer))) :bind ("C-c p" . projectile-command-map) :config (dolist (dir (list "node_modules" "target"))...
Still, it might worth looking into why `god-mode` does not work well with `use-package`'s `:bind-keymap` option.
https://universal-bypass.org/ Oh, actually you are right, it seems this add-on is obsolete by now. Maybe I should remove it too, just in case.
I've looked at my old issue filed with ivy, and they referred to [this workaround](https://github.com/abo-abo/swiper/issues/444#issuecomment-286693939) to disable the `org-outline-path-complete-in-steps` option. I've tried it with selectrum, and indeed this reverts back...