DryIoc copied to clipboard
Improve source package with T4 install experience
- Automate manual step of copying T4 files
- Automate copying of package dependencies
Replacing T4 is also a good alternative.
Related #101
Consider https://github.com/AArnott/CodeGeneration.Roslyn
Consider using mono t4 implementation which is actively developed and can be referenced as a CLI tool: https://github.com/mono/t4
Or may be this: https://github.com/Muchiachio/Genny
Use https://github.com/Konard/T4GenericsExample as an example with https://github.com/mono/t4 CLI tool reference
Related https://github.com/mono/t4/issues/70
Another good doc to check https://medium.com/@christopher.r.froehlich/code-generation-fail-an-all-the-kings-horses-tragedy-36dcd412ad05
Another example with step by step guide working on .NET Core 3.0 https://github.com/dadhi/T4Sample
T4 nuget package http://diegogiacomelli.com.br/deploying-a-t4-template-with-dotnet-pack/
Content-only NuGet package: https://medium.com/@attilah/source-code-only-nuget-packages-8f34a8fb4738
The POC solution is here https://github.com/dadhi/LempTest
T4 can be now replaced with Source Generators I used with Scriban as template engine and work well!
Here is another template project for the source generators https://github.com/tom-englert/LogMessageGenerator/
Is this actually finished or closed by pattern in last commit?
@sqeezy Closed because of closing of the related PR, but the work is not completed.
The main problem is the good and reliable NuGet installation and setup experience. Currently, it is not possible to automatically install and update the package with comp-time DryIoc.
So I am currently looking at BuildTasks provided by mono T4 https://github.com/mono/t4/blob/main/Mono.TextTemplating.Build/readme.md
I will try to wrap up some deliverable CompTime for v6 and proceed working on the improving the DX for it.
As always, thanks for your amazing work. I will look into this comp-time work next year. I'm not too familiar with T4 but pretty fluent in MSBuild related things.
Today I cloned the repo onto my Macbook and immediately ran into issues building due to restoring T4 bits. I'm not sure how to proceed, so I'm curious if this issue covers my issue, or if there is other guidance in order for me to get DryIoc building locally?
@ChaseFlorell Hi
- How did you build?
- What exact errors did you get?