Results 52 comments of David Francoeur

see you merge and release when you see fit. if you can ping when this is actually out, great, otherwise I left a comment in our code that points...

I've tested on the JVM and it works fine (manually). I'm not sure how I'd go at it for unit test (this will probably murder the JVM running the tests)

Just dropping this in: I think it is another interesting technology to look into. 👍 regarding the module split

Sorry for bringing up an old issue. But this is something I'd also like to see. I can implement it w/o issue if there is an agreement before hand that...

Can we have a green light that this is something worth implementing from your POV @fthomas ?

it previously opened: so it has worked at some point (edit: [is:pr is:closed author:scala-steward scalafmt ]( )

Hey, how are you? Do you use the community Scala Steward or you run it yourself? If you do run it yourself, note that you can run Scala Steward without...

I've also found the `Uri` allows for two scheme repro: ``` scala-cli run Compiling project (Scala 2.13.8, JVM) Compiled project (Scala 2.13.8, JVM) This prints ```

Sorry for bumping this error. I'll ping @bjaglin because it seems like he handled the resolution of related issues back when they were fresh. We stumbled upon this issue at...

I'd be happy to implement the required changes to make that happen. I just want to have a plan before diving in.