computer-vision-container copied to clipboard
This container is no longer supported, and has been deprecated in favor of:
This container is no longer supported, and has been deprecated in favor of:
Machine Vision Container: Docker, TensorFlow, TensorRT, PyTorch, CuGraph, CuML, and CuDF, CUDA 10, OpenCV, CuPy, and PyCUDA
GPU Acclerated computing container for computer vision applications, that are reproducible across environments.
Contains most of the features in NVIDIA
cuDF is a GPU DataFrame library for loading, joining, aggregating, filtering, and otherwise manipulating data.
cuML is a suite of libraries that implement machine learning algorithms and mathematical primitives functions that share compatible APIs with other RAPIDS projects.
cuGraph library is a collection of graph analytics that allow you to vizualize what is going on inside graph-based neural networks.
Learn to vizualize what is going on inside graph-based neural networks with cuGraph, see here for more!
NVIDIA TensorRT inference accelerator and CUDA 10
PyTorch 1.0
PyCUDA 2018.1.1
Tensorflow for GPU v1.13.1 & TensorBoard
OpenCV v4.0.1 for GPU
Ubuntu 18.04 so you can 'nix your way through the cmd line!
cuDNN7.4.1.5 for deeep learning in CNN's
Hot Reloading: code updates will automatically update in container from /apps folder.
TensorBoard is on localhost:6006 and GPU enabled Jupyter is on localhost:8888.
Python 3.6.7
Only Pascal and Turing arch are supported
Before you begin (This might be optional)
Link to nvidia-docker2 install: Tutorial
You must install nvidia-docker2 and all it's deps first, assuming that is done, run:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-docker2
sudo pkill -SIGHUP dockerd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
How to run this container:
Step 1
docker build -t <container name> .
< note the . after
Step 2
Run the image, mount the volumes for Jupyter and app folder for your fav IDE, and finally the expose ports 8888
for TF1, and 6006
for TensorBoard.
docker run --rm -it --runtime=nvidia --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --group-add container_user --group-add sudo -v "${PWD}:/apps" -v $(pwd):/tf/notebooks -p 8888:8888 -p <container name>
Step 3: Check to make sure GPU drivers and CUDA is running
Exec into the container and check if your GPU is registering in the container and CUDA is working:
Get the container id:
docker ps
- Exec into container:
docker exec -u root -t -i <container id> /bin/bash
- Check if NVIDIA GPU DRIVERS have container access:
- Check if CUDA is working:
nvcc -V
Step 4: How to launch TensorBoard
(It helps to use multiple tabs in cmd line, as you have to leave at least 1 tab open for TensorBoard@:6006)
Demonstrates the functionality of TensorBoard dashboard
Exec into container if you haven't, as shown above:
Get the
<container id>
docker ps
docker exec -u root -t -i <container id> /bin/bash
- Then run in cmd line:
tensorboard --logdir=//tmp/tensorflow/mnist/logs
- Type in:
cd /
to get root.
Then cd into the folder that hot reloads code from your local folder/fav IDE at: /apps/apps/gpu_benchmarks
and run:
- Go to the browser and navigate to:
Step 5: Run tests to prove container based GPU perf
Demonstrate GPU vs CPU performance:
Exec into the container if you haven't, and cd over to /tf/notebooks/apps/gpu_benchmarks and run:
CPU Perf:
python cpu 10000
- CPU perf should return something like this:
Shape: (10000, 10000) Device: /cpu:0 Time taken: 0:00:03.934996
- GPU perf:
python gpu 10000
- GPU perf should return something like this:
Shape: (10000, 10000) Device: /gpu:0 Time taken: 0:00:01.032577
Known conflicts with nvidia-docker and Ubuntu
AppArmor on Ubuntu has sec issues, so remove docker from it on your local box, (it does not hurt security on your computer):
sudo aa-remove-unknown
NVIDIA Rapids is a WIP, see status of pull reqs, here.