Dustin Carlino
Dustin Carlino
Profiling reveals https://github.com/dabreegster/abstreet/blob/master/sim/src/scheduler.rs as a hot spot, which makes sense. Anybody have ideas to speed it up? It's a priority queue with updateable priorities. There are lots of alternatives to...
Follow https://dabreegster.github.io/abstreet/trafficsim/gridlock.html#strategy-for-resolving until the full day can complete at all. Currently: ``` cargo run --release --bin headless -- --disable_turn_conflicts --infinite_parking --disable_block_the_box --port=1234 --alerts=silence curl http://localhost:1234/sim/load -d '{ "scenario": "data/system/scenarios/downtown/weekday.bin", "modifiers":...
Use case: In https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/nlprut/biking_hills_map/, it would've been nice to toss `&layer=steep_streets` in the URL. Any other shortcuts missing and likely useful? Maybe info panels too -- `&info=b47`, with the value...
https://github.com/a-b-street/abstreet/blob/3b375078b1417f37ab4d31eb9f1a86199c33c7fa/importer/src/soundcast/trips.rs#L45 Why is there so little interstate traffic on the Seattle scenarios? Because most of it both starts and ends off map. Right now, we don't import these trips. But...
From #610, Michael's idea to teach how to navigate with the minimap, and also reinforce the use of layers: > The point of the minimap is that you can navigate...
@kfarr and I chatted a bit about this. Here's an end-user workflow: 1) Someone wants to visualize the current lane configuration of any street in the world 2) Through the...
`Response` on native has a [chunk method](https://docs.rs/reqwest/0.11.4/reqwest/struct.Response.html#method.chunk), which allows some kind of progress bar, [like this](https://github.com/a-b-street/abstreet/blob/01fbfd37ae7864abd827ea9f26bc2d2a6258c630/abstio/src/download.rs#L32). The [wasm Response](https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest/blob/master/src/wasm/response.rs) doesn't have anything similar. Any plans to add it? I've come...
Hi, I stumbled across this repository looking for open data about traffic signal timing. I think the [GMNS spec](https://github.com/zephyr-data-specs/GMNS/blob/master/Specification/Signals.md) is the first specification I've found. I'm working on a traffic...
Hi! I successfully built this on Ubuntu, but running crashes: ``` 2022-01-29T15:52:56.470241Z INFO winit::platform_impl::platform::x11::window: Guessed window scale factor: 1 MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0 2022-01-29T15:52:56.535337Z INFO bevy_render::renderer:...
A/B Street has map edits and the LTN tool has its own format for boundaries and filters. Both files currently reference OSM way and node IDs to refer to road...