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A basic full stack example of building an API with AWS Amplify, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB

Basic serverless API

Building a basic serverless API with DynamoDB, API Gateway, and AWS Lambda

Getting started

Create the React project, install dependencies

$ npx create-react-app serverless-api

$ cd serverless-api

$ npm install aws-amplify

Next, create the amplify project and add the database:

$ amplify init

$ amplify add storage

? Please select from one of the below mentioned services: NoSQL Database

Create a database with the following columns:

id: string
name: string
description: string
price: number

? Please choose partition key for the table: id
? Do you want to add a sort key to your table? Y
? Please choose sort key for the table: name
? Do you want to add global secondary indexes to your table? N
? Do you want to add a Lambda Trigger for your Table? N

Next, create the API:

$ amplify add api

? Please select from one of the below mentioned services: REST
? Provide a friendly name for your resource to be used as a label for this category in the project: productapi
? Provide a path (e.g., /items) /products
? Choose a Lambda source: Create a new Lambda function
? Provide a friendly name for your resource to be used as a label for this category in the project: <function_name>
? Provide the AWS Lambda function name: <function_name>
? Choose the function template that you want to use: Serverless express function (Integration with Amazon API Gateway)
? Do you want to access other resources created in this project from your Lambda function? Yes
? Select the category: storage
Storage category has a resource called <table_name>
? Select the operations you want to permit for <table_name> create, read, update, delete
? Do you want to edit the local lambda function now? Yes
File will open in your editor. We will edit this file in the next step, but for now press enter to continue.
? Press enter to continue
? Would you like to restrict API access? N
? Would you like to add another path? N

Next, update the function with the following changes:

/* amplify/backend/function/<function_name>/src/app.js */

/* region and table name available in comments of lambda function */
const region = process.env.REGION
const ddb_table_name = process.env.<YOUR_STORAGE_NAME>

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const uuid = require('uuid/v4')
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({region})

// update the /products "get" and "post" endpoints
app.get('/products', async function(req, res) {
  try {
    var params = {
      TableName: ddb_table_name,
    const data = await docClient.scan(params).promise()
      data: data
  } catch (err) {
      error: err
})'/products', async function(req, res) {
  const { body } = req
  try {
    const input = { ...body, id: uuid() }
    var params = {
      TableName: ddb_table_name,
      Item: input
    await docClient.put(params).promise()
      success: 'item saved to database..'
  } catch (err) {
      error: err

Next, update the dependencies in the lambda function to include uuid:


"dependencies": {
  "aws-serverless-express": "^3.3.5",
  "body-parser": "^1.17.1",
  "express": "^4.15.2",
  "uuid": "^3.3.3"

Next, deploy the back end:

$ amplify push

Client-side code

Next, open src/index.js and add the following:

import Amplify from 'aws-amplify'
import config from './aws-exports'

Next, open src/App.js and add the following code:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import { API } from 'aws-amplify'

const initialState = {
  name: '',
  description: '',
  price: ''

function App() {
  const [products, setProducts] = useState([])
  const [product, updateProduct] = useState(initialState)
  async function fetchProducts() {
    const products = await API.get('productapi', '/products')
  async function createProduct() {
    const { name, description, price } = product
    if (!name || !description || !price) return
    const data = {
      body: { ...product, price: parseInt(product.price) }
    await'productapi', '/products', data)
    console.log('product successfully created...')
  const updateProductInput = key => event => {
    updateProduct({ ...product, [key]: })
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])
  return (
    <div className="App">
      {, index) => (
          <div key={index}>
      <div style={form}>
          placeholder="Product name"
          placeholder="Product description"
          placeholder="Product price"
        <button style={button} onClick={createProduct}>Create Product</button>

const button = {
  padding: '10px 40px',
  width: 400,
  margin:  '0px auto'

const input = {
  padding: 7,
  width: 400,
  margin: '0px auto 6px'

const form = {
  display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', padding: 60

export default App;

Test everything out

$ npm start