OrgChart copied to clipboard
Detect level of zoom in / out
Can we detect the chart's zoom level? It would be awesome to know how deep are we in a zoom level. Let's say if we are at a certain deep zoom in, then we can add more custom detailed data to each node, like images, address etc...
In the jquery.orgchart.js you'll find out that the zoom is only a scale that is applied to the orgchart. If you want to have more control over the zoom, I suggest you to create 2 buttons and have them control the level of zoom with the css property named "zoom".
Here is a quick example of what i've done:
var currentZoom = parseFloat($('#chart-container').css('zoom'));
$('#zoomOut').on('click', function () {
$('#chart-container').css('zoom', currentZoom -= 0.1);
$('#zoomIn').on('click', function () {
$('#chart-container').css('zoom', currentZoom += 0.1);
From there you could manage your nodes with the "currentZoom" variable.
I'm getting NaN with that code.
Have you defined 2 buttons with the id "zoomOut" and "zoomIn"? Is the id of your chart called "chart-container"?
From there, if you can't figure it out, I can't help you out anymore than this.
This works for me. Not the cleanest, but works.
var oc = $('#chart-container').orgchart({
'data' : file,
'pan': true,
'nodeContent': 'title',
'initCompleted': function(){
setTimeout( function(){
// center the chart to container
var $container = $('#chart-container');
$container.scrollLeft(($container[0].scrollWidth - $container.width())/2);
console.log("scroll to center "+$container[0].scrollWidth);
// get "zoom" and make usable
var $chart = $('.orgchart');
$chart.css('transform', "scale(1,1)");
var div = $chart.css('transform');
var values = div.split('(')[1];
values = values.split(')')[0];
values = values.split(',');
var a = values[0];
var b = values[1];
var currentZoom = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);
var zoomval = .8;
console.log("current zoom "+currentZoom);
// zoom buttons
$('.chartzoomin').on('click', function () {
zoomval = currentZoom += 0.1;
$chart.css('transform', div+" scale(" + zoomval + "," + zoomval + ")");
console.log("zoomin "+zoomval);
$('.chartzoomout').on('click', function () {
zoomval = currentZoom -= 0.1;
$chart.css('transform', div+" scale(" + zoomval + "," + zoomval + ")");
console.log("zoomout "+zoomval);
} , 1000 );
I was able to slim down @idevwebs solution. I am also using a slider (AngularJS/Material) instead of two buttons.
onZoomChange() {
let $chart = $('.orgchart');
$chart.css('transform', 'scale(1,1)');
let div = $chart.css('transform');
div + ' scale(' + this.zoomSliderValue + ',' + this.zoomSliderValue + ')'
Thanks for these solutions guys. I am struggling to get them to work.
Any chance of a link to a complete source file so I can check out how to make it work?