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Results 26 beautiful-jekyll issues
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For those of us on the remote theme option, any chance of a new release? I'd love to get the search features that were added in May Thanks!

There are several places in the codebase that accept a path/URL. For example: the links in the navbar (defined in the config file), the "bigimg" and "image" YAML parameters, the...

help wanted

I know this has been asked already, but it really feels like an issue on large screens or when the content is just a few lines. The footer does not...

Hello, are there any plans to support Jekyll 4.x? Kind regards

Currently there are multiple variable names associated with CSS usage: - `common-css` and `common-ext-css` under layout - `css` and `ext-css` under page - effectively `layout.common-googlefonts` and `page.googlefonts` are also CSS,...

In the "[Prerequisites](" section of the README, it's written that a GitHub account is required. Nonetheless, it turned out that this theme also works on GitLab, with an addition of...

Fixing Issue #1263, updated the search bar

Hi @daattali - thank you for an amazing theme! I was using version 6.0.1 with a Jekyll 4.3.3 site and it was working fine, but I needed some of the...

This PR adds a site option called `title_on_all_pages` - it adds the `site.title` to the end of all page titles (separated by `|`), unless the `site.title` and `title` are the...