biaffine-dependency-parser copied to clipboard
A graph based dependency parser in PyTorch.
Biaffine dependency parser
A PyTorch implementation of the neural dependency parser described in Deep Biaffine Attention for Neural Dependency Parsing.
You can train on the Penn Treebank, converted to Stanford Dependencies. We assume you have the PTB in standard train/dev/test splits in conll-format, stored somewhere in one directory, and that they are named train.conll
, dev.conll
, test.conll
First, extract a vocabulary:
mkdir vocab
./ --data your/ptb/conll/dir --out vocab
Then, train a default model with the following arguments:
mkdir log checkpoints
./ train --data your/ptb/conll/dir
Training can be exited at any moment with Control-C and the current model will be evaluated on the development-set.
The following options are available:
usage: {train,predict} [...]
Biaffine graph-based dependency parser
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA location of the data corpus
--vocab VOCAB location of the preprocessed vocabulary
do not order sentences by length so batches have more
Embedding options:
--use-glove use pretrained glove embeddings
--use-chars use character level word embeddings
--char-encoder {rnn,cnn,transformer}
type of character encoder used for word embeddings
--filter-factor FILTER_FACTOR
controls output size of cnn character embedding
--disable-words do not use words as input
--disable-tags do not use tags as input
--word-emb-dim WORD_EMB_DIM
size of word embeddings
--tag-emb-dim TAG_EMB_DIM
size of tag embeddings
--emb-dropout EMB_DROPOUT
dropout used on embeddings
Encoder options:
--encoder {rnn,cnn,transformer,none}
type of sentence encoder used
RNN options:
--rnn-type {RNN,GRU,LSTM}
type of rnn
--rnn-hidden RNN_HIDDEN
number of hidden units in rnn
--rnn-num-layers RNN_NUM_LAYERS
number of layers
--batch-first BATCH_FIRST
number of layers
--rnn-dropout RNN_DROPOUT
dropout used in rnn
CNN options:
--cnn-num-layers CNN_NUM_LAYERS
number convolutions
--kernel-size KERNEL_SIZE
size of convolution kernel
--cnn-dropout CNN_DROPOUT
dropout used in cnn
Transformer options:
--N N transformer options
--d-model D_MODEL transformer options
--d-ff D_FF transformer options
--h H transformer options
--trans-dropout TRANS_DROPOUT
dropout used in transformer
Biaffine classifier arguments:
--mlp-arc-hidden MLP_ARC_HIDDEN
number of hidden units in arc MLP
--mlp-lab-hidden MLP_LAB_HIDDEN
number of hidden units in label MLP
--mlp-dropout MLP_DROPOUT
dropout used in mlps
Training arguments:
--multi-gpu enable training on multiple GPUs
--lr LR initial learning rate
--epochs EPOCHS number of epochs of training
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--seed SEED random seed
--disable-cuda disable cuda
--print-every PRINT_EVERY
report interval
--plot-every PLOT_EVERY
plot interval
--logdir LOGDIR directory to log losses
--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS
path to save the final model
- [x] Add MST algorithm for decoding.
- [x] Write predicted parses to conll file.
- [x] A couple of full runs of the model for results.
- [x] Enable multi-GPU training
- [x] Work on character-level embedding of words (CNN or LSTM).
- [x] Implement RNN options: RNN, GRU, (RAN?)
- [x] Character level word embeddings: CNN
- [x] Character level word embeddings: RNN
- [x] Different encoder: Transformer.
- [x] Different encoder: CNN (again see spaCy's parser).
- [ ] Label loss converges very fast, which maybe hurts the arc accuracy?
- [ ] Perform some ablation experiments.
- [ ] Disable input POS-tags at prediction time but train with them using mutli-task learning. See spaCy's parser and these papers that it is based on: Stack-propagation: Improved Representation Learning for Syntax and Deep multi-task learning with low level tasks supervised at lower layers.
- [ ] Load pretrained GloVe embeddings.