frontaccounting could be functional but is ugly. I don't know how they can keep up with those type of user experiences nowadays. That's why I made a huge push to...
Sure many good solutions, but my problem is that they try to solve too many problems that we don't have. Anyway, this is going beyond the original post. I would...
@SteveIreland have you ever read this discussion thread?
@SteveIreland I moved this to 3.3.0. It's better to close a couple of small things and then release 3.2.0 than hang it to something bigger that will eventually come.
Cashup, I should finish that.
There is no PostGres support but happy for you to contribute and maintain it here on ospos.
Look in the helpers folder, there is a file (tabular_helper.php) dealing with what you can show in tables. Will you contribute back this feature? It looks a good addition for...
What do you read in $column and $row? Dump that in your debug log.
I might be wrong but I'm not sure your database query is returning those tag fields. I would need to check better the code to say more. Is that stored...
I'm afraid I'm a bit under the snow at the moment. If anyone else can help....