
Results 15 issues of da0ka

in util.c, ZopfliNextDistSymbol and ZopfliGetLengthExtraBits and ZopfliGetLengthExtraBitsValue and ZopfliGetLengthSymbol can also be Array. I think those function are redundant.

min-width:initial -> min-width:0 background-position:top left -> background-position:0 0 background-position:bottom right -> background-position:100% 100% nth-child(1) -> first-child nth-of-type(1) -> first-of-type nth-of-type(even) -> nth-of-type(2n) nth-child(even) -> nth-child(2n) nth-of-type(2n+1) -> nth-of-type(odd) nth-of-type(2n-1) ->...

"node_modules/lz4/dist/lz4wasm.js" and "node_modules/lz4/dist/lz4asm.js" are not found.

table has two "s,", but one should be "s, "

blockdelfate.c: line 874-883 /* Give default length to codewords that were unused, in case the optimizer decides to use them */ for (i = nLiteralSyms=nOffsetSyms=0; i < NLITERALSYMS;){ int l=pCompressor->literalsEncoder.nCodeLength[i++];...