Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3 copied to clipboard
Tensorflow Faster R-CNN for Windows/Linux and Python 3 (3.5/3.6/3.7)
Problems training with your own dataset this .xml: - insulators_datas 000005.jpg E:\pyproject\datas\jiechuwy\insulators_datas\000005.jpg - Unknown - 500 375 3 0 - insulator Unspecified 0 0 - 47 116 72 158 -...
``` File "D:/mp_code/smog_faster_rcnn/", line 154, in train blobs = self.data_layer.forward() File "D:\mp_code\smog_faster_rcnn\lib\layer_utils\", line 75, in forward blobs = self._get_next_minibatch() File "D:\mp_code\smog_faster_rcnn\lib\layer_utils\", line 71, in _get_next_minibatch return get_minibatch(minibatch_db, self._num_classes) File "D:\mp_code\smog_faster_rcnn\lib\utils\",...
Before posting an issue: - Check [here]( if anyone already posted the question - Make sure you followed all steps in the [README]( - Choose a clear and appropriate title...
I want to train model with resnet101 as the feature extracted network, where is the need to modify and what should I do? Thanks!
I set anchor scales to [4,8,16,32] in generate_anchors .py and snippets .py files., what other files need to be modified.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/huhongyang/Desktop/Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3-master/", line 216, in train.train() File "C:/Users/huhongyang/Desktop/Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3-master/", line 123, in train variables_to_restore =, var_keep_dic) File "C:\Users\huhongyang\Desktop\Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3-master\lib\nets\", line 66, in get_variables_to_restore if':')[0] in...
Before posting an issue: - Check [here]( if anyone already posted the question - Make sure you followed all steps in the [README]( - Choose a clear and appropriate title...
File "F:\4-code\Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3-master\lib\datasets\", line 16, in import lib.datasets.ds_utils as ds_utils AttributeError: module 'lib' has no attribute 'datasets'