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Create good skeletons of Python applications
Generate good skeletons of Python applications.
Creating a new Python program require a lot of work: preparing the file, initial translation files, ...
StarterPyth aims at doing this for you. Just choose your type of application, and you get a functionnal starting point. You only have to write original code, not starting by copying the same code again and again.
You can decide to create different kinds of Python applications:
plain-Python package
command-line application
Cython-based extension
Django-based website with custom commands and optional modules
- create basic configurations for nginx and Apache
- examples of tastypie REST APIs
- example of basic views and forms
- use global configuration file (/etc/myproject/project.conf) [TODO]
- basic use of dajax and dajaxice [TODO]
The goal is also to provide many useful extra commands for distribute. Here is a list of commands I want to write:
- generate API index file for Sphinx
- generate doc through Sphinx
- generate Pylint report
- compute dependencies thanks to snake food
- make i18n messages
- compile i18n messages
- generate pseudo-l10n files
- test documentation
I also want to provide templates for other classical Python programs:
- Django application
- Curse application
- PyQt applications
- daemon
You can install it with pip::
$ pip install starterpyth
...or from the source::
$ cd StarterPyth
$ sudo python install
Then you can call it through starterpyth-bin
$ starterpyth-bin
More complete documentation can be found at
Starterpyth 2.0 : doctest, unittest, nose mock pychecker, pylint, pyflakes * CHANGES.txt
* man page
* Django
* passer à DjangoFloor 0.9
* configuration sentry
* démon -> fichiers de conf pour launchd / systemd
* utilisation de six
* création de l'environnement virtuel associé
* template PyCharm [avec environnement virtuel, warning sur la version de Python]
* intégration avec tox, github, travis, readthedocs