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Android Myo library with full data access and support for multiple Myos.


Coverage Status Build Status

This is an Android library to communicate with Myo devices.

It was created for a research project at the mHealth - Uniklinik RWTH Aachen deparment. The projected required receiving sensor data (Gyro, Accl., EMG) from multiple Myo devices simultaneously, which was not possible at that time (August 2015) through the official Android SDK for Myo from Thalmic Labs.

Contributions are welcome. If you submit pull-requests please adhere to the projects current coding style. If you are using this library, i would love mention your project here, feel free to contact me.


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Include this in your apps build.gradle file:

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.d4rken:myolib:0.0.5'


Utilizing callbacks

MyoConnector connector = new MyoConnector(getContext());
connector.scan(5000, new MyoConnector.ScannerCallback() {
    public void onScanFinished(List<Myo> myos) {
        Myo myo = myos.get(0);
        myo.writeUnlock(MyoCmds.UnlockType.HOLD, new Myo.MyoCommandCallback() {
            public void onCommandDone(Myo myo, MyoMsg msg) {
                myo.writeVibrate(MyoCmds.VibrateType.LONG, null);

Receiving sensor data

 * ...
Myo myo = myos.get(0);
EmgProcessor emgProcessor = new EmgProcessor();
emgProcessor.addListener(new EmgProcessor.EmgDataListener() {
    public void onNewEmgData(EmgData emgData) {
        Log.i("EMG-Data", Arrays.toString(emgData.getData()));

Advanced use

BaseMyo baseMyo = new BaseMyo(getContext(), bluetoothDevice);
ReadMsg readMsg = new ReadMsg(Battery.BATTERYLEVEL, new MyoMsg.Callback() {
    public void onResult(MyoMsg msg) {
        byte[] result = ((ReadMsg) msg).getValue();

Advanced advanced use

BaseMyo baseMyo = new BaseMyo(getContext(), bluetoothDevice);
WriteMsg writeMsg = new WriteMsg(
        new byte[]{ /*....*/},
        new MyoMsg.Callback() {
            public void onResult(MyoMsg msg) {
                if(msg.getGattStatus() == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS)
                    Log.i("MYOAPP", "Data written!");


Example app


This library is licensed under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE

If you use "Android Myo library by darken" for your publication, please cite the following publication:

  • Kutafina E, Laukamp D, Jonas SM. Wearable Sensors in Medical Education: Supporting Hand Hygiene Training with a Forearm EMG. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;211:286-91.