epic icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
epic copied to clipboard

A JavaScript Markdown editor for Meteor, using EpicEditor.


  • This repository uses a legacy syntax used in Meteor 1.0.x
  • This repository is unmaintained
  • It appears Epic Editor is also unmaintained - no commits in any branch since 26 Sep 2016
  • I'd recommend using React as the view layer for your Meteor application, in which case you can simply use a component like react-md-editor by importing it directly from npm

Build Status

A JavaScript Markdown editor for Meteor, using EpicEditor.


meteor add d4nyll:epic


Inside a template

To use d4nyll:epic inside a template, simply add {{> epic}} inside the your template. The editor will append a template to where the placeholder is. A textarea with a class of epicarea will also be added, and syncs with the editor. You can retrieve the value of the editor from this textarea.

Multiple editors can be added on the same page, and will have the id of epiceditor[a-number] (e.g. epiceditor0, epiceditor1). Each editor will be synced with a textarea with the corresponding id (e.g. epiceditor0 syncs with epicarea0)

Using the API

You can render an editor inside an element using Epic.create(id, options). Pass in the id of the containing div element, and also an object containing any options.

Here the textarea will have an id of epicarea[id-of-container]. For example, an editor inside <div id="epicdiv"> will sync with a textarea with the id of epicareaepicdiv.


You may use a Meteor template helper to define an object which can be passed to epic using {{> epic obj}}, where obj is the object. You can specify the same set of options as EpicEditor. Any erroneous properties will be ignored.

Preloading text

You can preload the editor with some text, either dynamically, or use existing text. You can do this through the template by adding {{> epic 'A string representing the markdown'}} or in the API by adding a string to the preloadText property of the opts object.

In template

{{> epic 'This is preloaded text!\nCan even do new lines!'}}

Using the API

Template.preloadapi.rendered = function () {
    var opts = {
        preloadText: 'This is preloaded text using the API!\nCan even do new lines!'
    Epic.create('preloadapicontainer', opts);

Using your own theme

To use your own theme, you must place all your theme's CSS file inside the public directory. Then create an object containing the options, which should include all the themes - i.e. If you are using a custom editor theme, you would also need to place the base and preview theme in the relevant directory also.

Here's an example taken from /example/testing/:

Template.epicCreate.rendered = function () {
	var opts = {	
		basePath: '/epic/themes',
		theme: {
			base: '/base/epiceditor.css',
			preview: '/preview/github.css',
			editor: '/editor/epic-custom.css'
	Epic.create('epicCreateContainer', opts);

Here, the editor CSS files are placed inside the /public/epic/themes/editor/epic-custom.css of the application.


How to test

You should specify a port number for one of the tests if you run them concurrently, otherwise, they'll both try to use port 3000.

Mocha (with Velocity)

Navigate into the /examples/testing/ directory and simply run meteor, the test application will load up with a (hopefully) green icon on the top right, indicating all tests have passed.

You can write new tests inside the /tests/mocha/client/ directory.


Until Velocity supports TinyTest, we will have to run TinyTest 'outside' of Velocity. Go to the root directory of the package and type:

meteor test-packages ./

You can add more tests by editing d4nyll:epic-tests.js, or write into your own file and add a api.addFiles('your-test.js', 'client'); line into package.js inside the Package.onTest(function(api){}) block.