d2-admin copied to clipboard
An elegant dashboard
``` import Vue from 'vue' import { DatetimePicker } from 'vant' Vue.use(DatetimePicker) ``` 若我把Vue.use这段代码给注了,就好使了
这是vue-loader一个尚未修复的bug https://github.com/vuejs/vue-loader/issues/1332 简单的解决办法是 开发环境下不加 key 但不利于调试 比较折腾的办法是 引入[ vue-keep-alive-dev插件]( https://github.com/dwatts3624/vue-keep-alive-dev) 简单的使用了下 又有诸多问题
`vue2+`版本`keep-alive`如果使用自定义key来缓存视图,关闭视图后缓存是无法被删除干净的 [参考资料](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000015845117) 可以维护一个keepExclude 数组来处理,大概是这样 ```js watch: { // 需实时移除缓存fullPath集合 keepExclude(v) { const me = this; // 判断是否空数组,避免死循环 if (!isEmpty(v)) { // 遍历清除缓存 v.forEach((name) => { // 在前视图的子视图中查找是否存在动态清除缓存的页面 const view =...
Hey there! I'd like to report a security issue but cannot find contact instructions on your repository. If not a hassle, might you kindly add a `SECURITY.md` file with an...
in progress?
1. model生成 痛点: 现在写一个接口要写 api, state,mutations, mutation-types,action,getters这么多地方, 其实大多是重复的代码 期望: 有个 model 层或者 model 配置, 根据 model 生成(更新): api(curd),state,mutation,mutation-types,actions,getters 如果能前后端维护统一接口文档如 swagger, 甚至可以拉swagger 文档生成代码 2. view生成 痛点: 增加一个页面需要写 menu 配置,route配置, page 组件...
It would be awesome for the rest of the world :D