
Results 102 comments of d1y

I would like to know where to apply for internal testing qualifications? It's great for me to be able to use Zed's new features and improvements in advance ^:) ![image](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/assets/45585937/51030e84-ace0-438e-84be-e3e2e58fb614)

Update(carry another #10871): I use `monorepo` not work: ```bash ❯ tree -L 2 ├── backend ├── frontend │ ├── admin # vue project │ ├── client # vue project │...

> 是这样的,运行之后直接就开始表演了,100M网速都感觉播放太慢,看靓车的的时候很容易前进快退,如果不能先下载的话用户体验还是不够完美~ 老哥, 你要拿到地址吗? 把这个库安装 ```console npm i --save dd1024 ``` 然后写一个脚本 ```js const argv = process.argv const Api = require('dd1024/lib/api') const dd1024 = new Api ;(async ()=>{ const plate...

> Just a quick question (while semantic autocompletion is not available in Zed yet): is there a way to use generic semantic autocompletion servers for the languages which have to...

> I tried to install it using the Install Dev Extension command @VKondakoff Add wasm32-wasi after try install ```bash rustup target add wasm32-wasi ``` `zed: open log` cooperate to view...

@VKondakoff I don't know where you made a mistake, you can go to the [discord channel](https://discord.gg/qTnJkEYR) for help

Try setting `"formatter": "prettier"`? > use zed builtin prettier

FWIW: it seems to work without lazygit https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/assets/45585937/f00bf894-58af-4de5-a0c7-eed116da273a

I downloaded `alacritty` and found that it also doesn’t work. I don’t know if this requires configuration? `brew install alacritty` https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/assets/45585937/d47c2038-7fea-4a16-9164-a43d8fb54721