homebrew-emacs-plus copied to clipboard
Emacs Plus formulae for the Homebrew package manager
Emacs Plus
#+end_html** About
Emacs+ is [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html][→ GNU Emacs]] formulae for macOS [[https://brew.sh][→ Homebrew]] package manager. It offers a wide rage of extra functionality over regular [[https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/emacs#default][→ Emacs]] package. Emacs+ intent is to give the most of 'plus' stuff by default, leaving only controversial options as opt-in. Please refer to [[#options][→ Options]] section for more information.
#+begin_src bash $ brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus $ brew install emacs-plus [options] # install the latest release (Emacs 28) $ brew install emacs-plus@29 [options] # install Emacs 29 (master) $ brew install emacs-plus@28 [options] # install Emacs 28 $ brew install emacs-plus@27 [options] # install Emacs 27 $ brew install emacs-plus@26 [options] # install Emacs 26 #+end_src
Feel free to open an issue or contact me via email if you face any issues, questions or feature requests. I love pull requests, so do send them. You might want to check [[docs/development-guidelines.org][→ Development guidelines]] to have better understanding on how to contribute.
** Table of Contents :TOC_3:
- [[#about][About]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#reinstall][Reinstall]]
- [[#emacs-29][Emacs 29]]
- [[#included][Included]]
- [[#options][Options]]
- [[#emacs-28][Emacs 28]]
- [[#included-1][Included]]
- [[#options-1][Options]]
- [[#emacs-27][Emacs 27]]
- [[#included-2][Included]]
- [[#options-2][Options]]
- [[#emacs-26][Emacs 26]]
- [[#features-explained][Features explained]]
- [[#injected-path][Injected PATH]]
- [[#no-titlebar][No Titlebar]]
- [[#xwidgets-webkit][Xwidgets (webkit)]]
- [[#system-appearance-change][System appearance change]]
- [[#gccemacs][gccemacs]]
- [[#icons][Icons]]
- [[#emacs-configuration][Emacs configuration]]
- [[#known-issues][Known Issues]]
- [[#emacs-dependency-in-other-formulas][=emacs= dependency in other formulas]]
- [[#screenshots][Screenshots]]
- [[#acknowledgements][Acknowledgements]]
** Install
Emacs Plus contains separate formulas for different Emacs versions:
=emacs-plus= install current release version (Emacs 28);
=emacs-plus@29= install Emacs 29, development version.
=emacs-plus@28= install Emacs 28, current release version.
=emacs-plus@27= install Emacs 27, previous release version;
=emacs-plus@26= install Emacs 26, previous release version;
#+begin_src bash $ brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus $ brew install emacs-plus [options] # install the latest release (Emacs 28) $ brew install emacs-plus@29 [options] # install Emacs 29 $ brew install emacs-plus@28 [options] # install Emacs 28 $ brew install emacs-plus@27 [options] # install Emacs 27 $ brew install emacs-plus@26 [options] # install Emacs 26 #+end_src
By default (without any addition options) this formula install Cocoa version of Emacs with support of =gnutls=, =imagemagick= (not included by default with =emacs-plus@29= and emacs-plus@29), =librsvg=, =libxml2=, dynamic modules and multicolor fonts. Please see the list of available options to disable any bit of default behaviour or add even more stuff.
** Reinstall
If you wish to reinstall =emacs-plus= with you should not use =reinstall= command of =brew= (not related to this formula, it's a general advice). Instead, you should =uninstall= a package and then =install= it with desired options.
Avoid =reinstall= even if you want to =reinstall= with the same set of options, otherwise you will likely to get compilation errors! For example, [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/218][#218]] and [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/321][#321]].
In short, =brew= doesn't really support options. They break time to time ([[https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/issues/4793][brew#4793]], [[https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/issues/7397][brew#7397]], [[https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/issues/7498][brew#7498]] to show a few).
#+BEGIN_SRC bash $ brew uninstall emacs-plus $ brew install emacs-plus [options] #+END_SRC
** Emacs 29
*** Included
By default =emacs-plus@29= uses the following features.
- Injected =PATH= value from user shell (see separate section explaining this feature).
- Cocoa version, e.g. builds =Emacs.app=.
- Unconditional support for =gnutls=, =librsvg=, =libxml2=, =little-cms2= and dynamic modules.
*** Options
| Option | Description | |---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | =--with-ctags= | don't remove the ctags executable that Emacs provides | | =--with-dbus= | build with dbus support | | =--with-debug= | build with debug symbols and debugger friendly optimizations | | =--with-mailutils= | build with mailutils support | | =--with-no-frame-refocus= | disables frame re-focus (ie. closing one frame does not refocus another one) | | =--with-x11= | build with x11 support | | =--with-xwidgets= | build [[#xwidgets-webkit][→ with xwidgets]] support | | =--without-cocoa= | build a non-Cocoa version of Emacs (terminal only) | | =--with-imagemagick= | build with =imagemagick= support | | =--with-native-comp= | build with native compilation aka [[#gccemacs][→ gccemacs]] |
*** No title bar Please note, that ~--with-no-titlebar~ is no longer needed in Emacs 29, since the same can be achieved natively using [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus#emacs-29-1][this method]].
** Emacs 28
*** Included
By default =emacs-plus@28= uses the following features.
- Injected =PATH= value from user shell (see separate section explaining this feature).
- Cocoa version, e.g. builds =Emacs.app=.
- Unconditional support for =gnutls=, =librsvg=, =libxml2=, =little-cms2= and dynamic modules.
*** Options
| Option | Description | |---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | =--with-ctags= | don't remove the ctags executable that Emacs provides | | =--with-dbus= | build with dbus support | | =--with-debug= | build with debug symbols and debugger friendly optimizations | | =--with-mailutils= | build with mailutils support | | =--with-no-frame-refocus= | disables frame re-focus (ie. closing one frame does not refocus another one) | | =--with-no-titlebar= | build [[#no-titlebar][→ without titlebar]] | | =--with-x11= | build with x11 support | | =--with-xwidgets= | build [[#xwidgets-webkit][→ with xwidgets]] support | | =--without-cocoa= | build a non-Cocoa version of Emacs (terminal only) | | =--with-imagemagick= | build with =imagemagick= support | | =--HEAD= | build from =emacs-28= branch | | =--with-native-comp= | build with native compilation aka [[#gccemacs][→ gccemacs]] | | | |
** Emacs 27
*** Included
By default =emacs-plus@27= uses the following features.
- Cocoa version, e.g. builds =Emacs.app=.
- Unconditional support for =gnutls=, =librsvg=, =libxml2=, =little-cms2= and dynamic modules.
*** Options
| Option | Description | |---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | =--with-ctags= | don't remove the ctags executable that Emacs provides | | =--with-dbus= | build with dbus support | | =--with-debug= | build with debug symbols and debugger friendly optimizations | | =--with-mailutils= | build with mailutils support | | =--with-no-frame-refocus= | disables frame re-focus (ie. closing one frame does not refocus another one) | | =--with-no-titlebar= | build [[#no-titlebar][→ without titlebar]] | | =--with-x11= | build with x11 support | | =--with-xwidgets= | build [[#xwidgets-webkit][→ with xwidgets]] support | | =--without-cocoa= | build a non-Cocoa version of Emacs (terminal only) | | =--without-imagemagick= | build without =imagemagick= support | | =--HEAD= | build from =emacs-27= branch |
** Emacs 26
Emacs 26 comes without any available options due to [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/195][→ #195]].
** Features explained
*** Injected PATH
#+begin_quote Ever find that a command works in your shell, but not in Emacs?
(c) @purcell #+end_quote
In macOS applications are started in the login environment, meaning that all user defined environment variables are not available in application process. In the most cases it's not a big deal, but in Emacs it becomes a source of troubles as we want to use binaries from the non-standard locations (for example, those installed via package managers).
There is a wonderful solution to overcome this problem, [[https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell][purcell/exec-path-from-shell]]. As with any package that is not preinstalled with Emacs, you need to discover it first, and then install it. And while being a well known package and popular package (top 100 on MELPA), not everyone install it. In addition, with =native-comp= feature you might need it's functionality before any package is bootstrapped.
All that being said, during installation Emacs+ injects value of =PATH= into =Emacs.app/Contents/Info.plist= file, making this value available whenever you start =Emacs.app= from Finder, Docker, Spotlight, =open= command in Terminal or via =launchd=. This solves a wide range of problems for GUI users without the need to use [[https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell][purcell/exec-path-from-shell]], but if needed you can still fall back to this wonderful package, especially if you need other variables.
In case you have a non-trivial setup relying on specific value of =PATH= inherited from current terminal session, it is advised to start Emacs using =/opt/homebrew/bin/emacs= instead of =open -n -a /path/to/Emacs.app=, because =open= messes around with =PATH= value even without Emacs+ injection. You can find more information in [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/469][#469]].
And if for some reason PATH injection doesn't work for you, report it either in [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/469][#469]] or open a new issue.
*** No Titlebar
This patch is enabled with the =--with-no-titlebar= option for =emacs-plus@27= and =emacs-plus@28=. It is meant for use with window tiling applications like [[https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai][→ yabai]], [[https://github.com/koekeishiya/chunkwm][→ chunkwm]] or [[https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst][→ amethyst]] so that the titlebar won't take up screen real estate. If you see gaps between your emacs frames and other windows, try this:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq frame-resize-pixelwise t) #+END_SRC
**** Emacs 29
In =emacs-plus@29= this option is not available anymore as you can achieve the same result using Emacs Lisp by adding the following line in your =early-init.el= file:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(undecorated . t)) #+end_src
*** Xwidgets (webkit)
Browse the web in Emacs as in modern browser.
The original [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsXWidgets][→ Emacs xwidgets]] builds and works on macOS however must be used with X11 and hence not practical option on macOS. This version enables =xwidgets= on native macOS Cocoa via embedding a native webkit window.
More details can be seen here [[https://github.com/veshboo/emacs][→ Veshboo's emacs branch]].
*** System appearance change
This patch is enabled by default and can't be disabled. It adds a hook, =ns-system-appearance-change-functions=, that is called once the system appearance is changed. Functions added to this hook will be called with one argument, a symbol that is either =light= or =dark=. This mainly allows loading a different theme to better match the system appearance.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun my/apply-theme (appearance) "Load theme, taking current system APPEARANCE into consideration." (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes) (pcase appearance ('light (load-theme 'tango t)) ('dark (load-theme 'tango-dark t))))
(add-hook 'ns-system-appearance-change-functions #'my/apply-theme) #+end_src
Note that this hook is also run once when Emacs is initialized, so simply adding the above to your =init.el= will allow matching the system appearance upon startup. You can also determine what the current system appearance is by inspecting the value of the =ns-system-appearance= variable.
The hook is NOT run in TTY Emacs sessions.
*** gccemacs
#+begin_quote gccemacs is a modified Emacs capable of compiling and running Emacs Lisp as native code in form of re-loadable elf files. As the name suggests this is achieved blending together Emacs and the gcc infrastructure.
[[https://akrl.sdf.org/gccemacs.html][→ Andrea Corallo]] #+end_quote
While =gccemacs= gives performance boost in many scenarios, this feature is still experimental and might require time and effort from your side for it to work! Use at our own risk :)
Please see official [[https://akrl.sdf.org/gccemacs.html][→ gccemacs documentation]] for more information.
Knows issues:
- =ld: library not found for -lSystem=. This only happens on older versions of =gcc= installed by Homebrew. Please execute =$ brew reinstall gcc libgccjit= to resolve this issue.
- Errors during compilation of your =init.el=. Try running Emacs with =-Q= option and give it some time to compile everything (maybe run =M-x= to force compilation) - you shall see buffer =Async-native-compile-log= in the list of buffers.
** Icons
| Option | Author | Image | URL | |-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------| | =--with-EmacsIcon1-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon1_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon2-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon2_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon3-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon3_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon4-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon4_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon5-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon5_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon6-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon6_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon7-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon7_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon8-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon8_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-EmacsIcon9-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/EmacsIcon9_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-cacodemon-icon= | [[https://gitlab.com/wildwestrom][→ Christian Westrom]] | [[/icons/preview/cacodemon_128.png]] | [[https://gitlab.com/wildwestrom/emacs-doom-icon][→ Link]] | | =--with-dragon-icon= | [[https://github.com/willbchang][→ Will B Chang]] | [[/icons/preview/dragon_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/willbchang/emacs-dragon-icon][→ Link]] | | =--with-elrumo1-icon= | [[https://github.com/elrumo][→ Elias]] | [[/icons/preview/elrumo1_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/303#issuecomment-763928162][→ Link]] | | =--with-elrumo2-icon= | [[https://github.com/elrumo][→ Elias]] | [[/icons/preview/elrumo2_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/303#issuecomment-763928162][→ Link]] | | =--with-emacs-card-blue-deep-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/emacs-card-blue-deep_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-emacs-card-british-racing-green-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/emacs-card-british-racing-green_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-emacs-card-carmine-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/emacs-card-carmine_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-emacs-card-green-icon= | [[https://github.com/jasonm23][→ Jason Milkins]] | [[/icons/preview/emacs-card-green_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-icons-project][→ Link]] | | =--with-gnu-head-icon= | [[https://github.com/aurium][→ Aurélio A. Heckert]] | [[/icons/preview/gnu-head_128.png]] | [[https://www.gnu.org/graphics/heckert_gnu.html][→ Link]] | | =--with-memeplex-slim-icon= | [[https://github.com/memeplex][→ memeplex]] | [[/icons/preview/memeplex-slim_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/419#issuecomment-966735773][→ Link]] | | =--with-memeplex-wide-icon= | [[https://github.com/memeplex][→ memeplex]] | [[/icons/preview/memeplex-wide_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues/419#issuecomment-966735773][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-alecive-flatwoken-icon= | [[https://www.iconarchive.com/artist/alecive.html][→ Alessandro Roncone]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-alecive-flatwoken_128.png]] | [[https://www.iconarchive.com/show/flatwoken-icons-by-alecive.html][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-asingh4242-icon= | [[https://imgur.com/user/asingh4242][→ Asingh4242]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-asingh4242_128.png]] | [[https://imgur.com/YGxjLZw][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-azhilin-icon= | Andrew Zhilin | [[/icons/preview/modern-azhilin_128.png]] | [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emacs-icon-48x48.png][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-bananxan-icon= | [[https://www.deviantart.com/bananxan][→ BananXan]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-bananxan_128.png]] | [[https://www.deviantart.com/bananxan/art/Emacs-icon-207744728][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-black-dragon-icon= | [[https://www.cleanpng.com/users/@osike.html][→ Osike]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-black-dragon_128.png]] | [[https://www.cleanpng.com/png-spacemacs-computer-software-command-line-interface-3947037][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-black-gnu-head-icon= | [[http://www.aha-soft.com][→ Aha-Soft]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-black-gnu-head_128.png]] | [[https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/flat-round-system][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-black-variant-icon= | [[https://www.deviantart.com/blackvariant/about][→ BlackVariant]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-black-variant_128.png]] | [[https://www.deviantart.com/blackvariant][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-bokehlicia-captiva-icon= | [[https://www.deviantart.com/bokehlicia][→ Bokehlicia]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-bokehlicia-captiva_128.png]] | [[https://www.iconarchive.com/show/captiva-icons-by-bokehlicia/emacs-icon.html][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-cg433n-icon= | [[https://github.com/cg433n][→ cg433n]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-cg433n_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/cg433n/emacs-mac-icon][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-doom-icon= | [[http://eccentric-j.com/][→ Eccentric J]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-doom_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/eccentric-j/doom-icon][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-doom3-icon= | [[http://eccentric-j.com/][→ Eccentric J]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-doom3_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/eccentric-j/doom-icon][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-icon= | Unknown | [[/icons/preview/modern_128.png]] | Unknown | | =--with-modern-mzaplotnik-icon= | [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:MZaplotnik][→ Matjaz Zaplotnik]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-mzaplotnik_128.png]] | [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emacs-icon-48x48.svg][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-nuvola-icon= | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Vignoni][→ David Vignoni]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-nuvola_128.png]] | [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nuvola_apps_emacs_vector.svg][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-orange-icon= | [[https://github.com/VentGrey][→ Omar Jair Purata Funes]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-orange_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme/issues/1742][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-paper-icon= | [[https://github.com/snwh][→ Sam Hewitt]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-paper_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/snwh/paper-icon-theme/blob/master/Paper/512x512/apps/emacs.png][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-papirus-icon= | [[https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam][→ Papirus Development Team]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-papirus_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-pen-3d-icon= | Unknown | [[/icons/preview/modern-pen-3d_128.png]] | [[https://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/emacs/icons][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-pen-black-icon= | [[https://gitlab.com/csantosb][→ Cayetano Santos]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-pen-black_128.png]] | [[https://gitlab.com/uploads/-/system/project/avatar/11430322/emacs_icon_132408.png][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-pen-icon= | [[https://github.com/nanasess][→ Kentaro Ohkouchi]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-pen_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/nanasess/EmacsIconCollections][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-pen-lds56-icon= | [[http://lds56.github.io/about][→ lds56]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-pen-lds56_128.png]] | [[http://lds56.github.io/notes/emacs-icon-redesigned][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-purple-flat-icon= | [[https://jeremiahfoster.com][→ Jeremiah Foster]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-purple-flat_128.png]] | [[https://icon-icons.com/icon/emacs/103962][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-sexy-v1-icon= | [[https://emacs.sexy][→ Emacs is Sexy]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-sexy-v1_128.png]] | [[https://emacs.sexy][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-sexy-v2-icon= | [[https://emacs.sexy][→ Emacs is Sexy]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-sexy-v2_128.png]] | [[https://emacs.sexy][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-sjrmanning-icon= | [[https://github.com/sjrmanning][→ sjrmannings]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-sjrmanning_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/sjrmanning/emacs-icon][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-vscode-icon= | [[https://github.com/vdegenne][→ Valentin Degenne]] | [[/icons/preview/modern-vscode_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/VSCodeEmacs/Emacs][→ Link]] | | =--with-modern-yellow-icon= | Unknown | [[/icons/preview/modern-yellow_128.png]] | [[http://getdrawings.com/emacs-icon#emacs-icon-75.png][→ Link]] | | =--with-nobu417-big-sur-icon= | [[https://github.com/nobu417][→ Nobuyuki Sato]] | [[/icons/preview/nobu417-big-sur_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/nobu417/emacs-icon-replacement-for-macos-big-sur][→ Link]] | | =--with-retro-emacs-logo-icon= | [[https://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~elf/][→ Luis Fernandes]] | [[/icons/preview/retro-emacs-logo_128.png]] | [[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Emacs-logo.svg][→ Link]] | | =--with-retro-gnu-meditate-levitate-icon= | Nevrax Design Team | [[/icons/preview/retro-gnu-meditate-levitate_128.png]] | [[https://www.gnu.org/graphics/meditate.en.html][→ Link]] | | =--with-retro-sink-bw-icon= | Unknown | [[/icons/preview/retro-sink-bw_128.png]] | [[https://www.teuton.org/~ejm/emacsicon/][→ Link]] | | =--with-retro-sink-icon= | [[https://www.teuton.org/~ejm/][→ Erik Mugele]] | [[/icons/preview/retro-sink_128.png]] | [[https://www.teuton.org/~ejm/emacsicon/][→ Link]] | | =--with-spacemacs-icon= | [[https://github.com/nashamri][→ Nasser Alshammari]] | [[/icons/preview/spacemacs_128.png]] | [[https://github.com/nashamri/spacemacs-logo][→ Link]] |
** Emacs configuration
Emacs is a journey. And for some of you these projects might be inspiring.
- [[https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d][→ Steve Purcell's .emacs.d]]
- [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/][→ Spacemacs]]
- [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs][→ doom-emacs]]
- [[https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude][→ Prelude]]
** Known Issues
Please checkout [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/issues][→ Issues]] page for a list of all known issues. But here are several you should be aware of.
*** =emacs= dependency in other formulas
In some cases (like when installing =cask=) regular =emacs= package will be required. In such cases you might want to install all dependencies manually (except for =emacs=) and then install desired package with =--ignore-dependencies= option.
#+BEGIN_SRC bash $ brew install cask --ignore-dependencies #+END_SRC
** Screenshots
** Acknowledgements
Many thanks to all [[https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus/graphs/contributors][→ contributors]], issue reporters and bottle providers ([[https://github.com/wadkar][→ Sudarshan Wadkar]], [[https://github.com/jonhermansen][→ Jon Hermansen]]).
Special thanks to patrons [[https://www.patreon.com/d12frosted][supporting]] existence of this project:
- [[https://github.com/jidicula][→ Johanan Idicula]]
- [[http://github.com/lyndondrake][→ Lyndon Drake]]