A Free Machine Learning University
Machine Learning Open Source University is an IDEA of free-learning of a ML enthusiast for all other ML enthusiast
This list is continuously updated - And if you are a Ml practitioner and have some good suggestions to improve this or have somegood resources to share, you create pull request and contribute.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural language processing
Reinforcement learning
ML in Production
Quantum ML
Other Useful Websites
Other Useful GitRrpo
Blogs and Webinar
Must Read Research Paper
Company Tech Blogs
Getting Started
Title and Source |
Link |
Statistics in Machine Learning (Krish Naik) |
YouTube |
Computational Linear Algebra for Coders |
fast.ai |
Linear Algebra MIT |
WebSite |
Statistics by zstatistics |
WebSite |
Essence of linear algebra by 3Blue1Brown |
YouTube |
SEEING THEORY (Visual Probability) brown |
WebSite |
Matrix Methods in Data Analysis,and Machine Learning MIT |
WebSite |
Math for Machine Learning |
YouTube |
Statistics for Applications MIT |
YouTube |
Machine Learning
Title and Source |
Link |
Introduction to Machine Learning with scikit-learn |
dataschool |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
sebastianraschka |
Open Machine Learning Course |
mlcourse.ai |
Machine Learning (CS229) Stanford |
WebSite YouTube |
Introduction to Machine Learning MIT |
WebSite |
Machine Learning Systems Design 2021 (CS329S) Stanford |
WebSite |
Applied Machine Learning 2020 (CS5787) Cornell Tech |
YouTube |
Machine Learning for Healthcare MIT |
WebSite |
Machine Learning for Trading Georgia Tech |
WebSite |
Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders |
fast.ai |
Machine Learning Crash Course |
Google AI |
Machine Learning with Python |
freecodecamp |
Deep Reinforcement Learning:CS285 UC Berkeley |
YouTube |
Probabilistic Machine Learning University of Tübingen |
YouTube |
Machine Learning with Graphs(CS224W) Stanford |
YouTube |
Machine Learning in Production CMU |
WebSite |
Machine Learning & Deep Learning Fundamentals |
deeplizard |
Interpretability and Explainability in Machine Learning |
WebSite |
Practical Machine Learning 2021 Stanford |
WebSite |
Machine Learning VU University |
WebSite |
Machine Learning for Cyber Security Purdue University |
YouTube |
Audio Signal Processing for Machine Learning |
YouTube |
Machine learning & causal inference Stanford |
YouTube |
Machine learning cs156 caltech |
YouTube |
Multimodal machine learning (MMML) CMU |
WebSite YouTube |
Deep Learning
Natural language processing
Title and Source |
Link |
Natural Language Processing AWS |
YouTube |
NLP - Krish Naik |
YouTube |
NLP with Deep Learning(CS224N) 2019 Stanford |
YouTube 2021 |
A Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing |
fast.ai |
CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2021 Carnegie Mellon University |
YouTube |
Speech and Language Processing Stanford |
WebSite |
Natural Language Understanding (CS224U) Stanford |
YouTube 2022 |
NLP with Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning, 2012 Stanford |
YouTube |
Intro to NLP with spaCy |
YouTube |
Advanced NLP with spaCy |
website |
Applied Language Technology |
website |
Advanced Natural Language Processing Umass |
website YouTube 2020 |
Huggingface Course |
huggingface.co |
NLP Course Michigan |
github |
Multilingual NLP 2020 CMU |
YouTube |
Advanced NLP 2021 CMU |
YouTube |
Transformers United stanford |
Website YouTube |
Reinforcement learning
Title and Source |
Link |
Reinforcement Learning(CS234) Stanford |
YouTube-2019 |
Introduction to reinforcement learning DeepMind |
YouTube-2015 |
Reinforcement Learning Course DeepMind & UCL |
YouTube-2018 |
Advanced Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning |
YouTube |
DeepMind x UCL Reinforcement Learning 2021 |
YouTube |
ML in Production
Title and Source |
Link |
Introduction to Docker |
Docker |
MLOps Basics |
GitHub |
Quantum ML
Title and Source |
Link |
Yelp Open Dataset |
yelp |
Machine Translation |
website |
IndicNLP Corpora (Indian languages) |
ai4bharat |
Amazon product co-purchasing network metadata |
snap.stanford.edu/ |
Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) |
website |
Other Useful Websites
Papers with Code
Two Minute Papers - Youtube
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
Workera : Measure data-AI skills
Machine learning mastery
From Data to viz: Guide for your graph
datatalks club
Machine Learning for Art
Deep Learning Drizzle
The Machine & Deep Learning Compendium
connectedpapers - Research Papers
Papers and Latest Research - deepai
Tracking Progress in NLP
NLP Blogs by Sebastian Ruder
labmlai for papers
Other Useful GitRepo
Applied-ml - Papers and blogs by organizations
List Machine learning Python libraries
ML From Scratch - Implementations of models/algorithms
What the f*ck Python?
scikit-learn user guide: step-step approach
NLP Tutorial Code with DL
Text Classification Algorithms: A Survey
ML use cases by company
Blogs and Webinar
Recommendation algorithms and System design
Machine Learning System Design
Must Read Research Paper
NLP [Text]
Text Classification Algorithms: A Survey
Deep Learning Based Text Classification: A Comprehensive Review
Compression of Deep Learning Models for Text: A Survey
A Survey on Text Classification: From Shallow to Deep Learning
A Survey of Transformers
AMMUS : A Survey of Transformer-based Pretrained Models in Natural Language Processing
Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: A Survey
A Survey of Data Augmentation Approaches for NLP
A Survey on Recent Approaches for Natural Language Processing in Low-Resource Scenarios
Evaluation of Text Generation: A Survey
A Survey of Transfer learning In NLP
A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in NLP
OCR [Optical Character Recognition]
Survey of Post-OCR Processing Approaches
Company Tech Blogs
Spotify Research | Engineering