HC-SR04 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HC-SR04 copied to clipboard

Library for measuring distance with the HC-SR04 UltraSonic Sensor, by utilizing temperature correction and multiple echo pins in parallel.

Compile Sketch

Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.

This library is used for measuring distance with the HC-SR04, which is an ultrasonic sensor that measures distances from 2 to 400cm. My library features a temperature correction and can utilize one trigger pin with multiple echo pins in parallel. I based this library on two other libraries.

  1. https://github.com/Martinsos/arduino-lib-hc-sr04 --> I basically used the temperature calculation
  2. https://github.com/gamegine/HCSR04-ultrasonic-sensor-lib --> I basically used the idea of using one trigger and multiple echos. But instead of measuring them in series, I tried to do that in parallel.




#include <HCSR04.h>

byte triggerPin = 21;
byte echoCount = 2;
byte* echoPins = new byte[echoCount] { 12, 13 };

void setup () {
  HCSR04.begin(triggerPin, echoPins, echoCount);

void loop () {
  double* distances = HCSR04.measureDistanceCm();
  for (int i = 0; i < echoCount; i++) {
    if (i > 0) Serial.print(" | ");
    Serial.print(i + 1);
    Serial.print(": ");
    Serial.print(" cm");