collab_orb_slam2 copied to clipboard
Segmentation fault while starting the agent
Hi! Thanks so much for the bravo work! I am trying to utilize this repo on my server however I got the segmentation error while running the following Agent commands:
./Examples/ROS/compression/KittiAgentStereo -v Vocabulary/voc_k10_l_5_N_100000.txt -c Vocabulary/stats_8b.vstats -i /home/xxx/dataset/kitti/data_odometry_gray/sequences/00 -r 00 -s Examples/ROS/compression/KITTIX.yaml
There are no error messages shown here so I am wondering do you know what the reason might be? As I am running the Server commands there's no such error. BTW what's the input dataset format should be, please? If the wrong structure of the input dataset would cause this error?
Thanks in advance!
Make sure to use this while starting agent. This is from Original ORB_SLAM2 repo "Execute the following command. Change KITTIX.yaml by KITTI00-02.yaml, KITTI03.yaml or KITTI04-12.yaml for sequence 0 to 2, 3, and 4 to 12 respectively. Change PATH_TO_DATASET_FOLDER to the uncompressed dataset folder. Change SEQUENCE_NUMBER to 00, 01, 02,.., 11."